an·dro·phi·li·a [ˈandrɔfi-lē-ə]:
origin: (1946) Latin; Greek; an= human + dro= male + philia= loving.
noun (adjective, androphilic)
1. A love of men; the sexual attraction to males (regardless of one's own gender). May also be called "androsexuality".
2. In animals, towards humans, in a scientific capacity -- such as a pet preferring the company of males to females would be androphilic.
full set of flags here (note: "
skoliosexual" describes attraction to non-binary people)
gy·no·phi·li·a (ˌgī-nə-fi-lē-ə) is the same, but with a preference for females.
These terms allow sexuality to be discussed beyond the typically binary boundaries of specific sexual labels such as heterosexual or homosexual; it focuses on attraction versus a description of the individual experiencing that attraction.