I've always thought this word simply meant "triple", but the etymology turned out to be more complex than that, as you can read below:
trifecta noun tri·fec·ta \trī-ˈfek-tə, ˈtrī-ˌ\
1: a variation of the perfecta (a bet in which the bettor picks the first and second place finishers in order) in which a bettor wins by selecting the first three finishers of a race in the correct order of finish
2: triple trifecta : a platinum record, hit TV series, and an Oscar>
trifecta for meteorologically induced misery: hazy, hot, and humid>
Friday's Trifecta: Supermoon, Solar Eclipse, Spring Equinox (today's article from National Geographic, which can be read
here Etymology:
tri- + perfecta, American Spanish quiniela perfecta perfect quiniela
quiniela: a bet in which the bettor picks the first and second place finishers but need not designate their order of finish in order to win; American Spanish quiniela, a game of chance resembling a lottery
First Known Use: 1974