Shakespearean Imagination

Jun 04, 2014 23:47

God save you, neighbours!

It's Wednesday again, which means another installment of Shakespearean Imagination!

Without further ado, I give you today’s word:

varied : var•ied ˈve(ə)rēd/ (adjective) (verb):

- incorporating a number of different types or elements; showing variation or variety

- differed in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class
- changed from one condition, form, or state to another
- introduced modifications or changes into (something) so as to make it different or less uniform

Synonyms as an adjective: diverse - assorted - miscellaneous - mixed - sundry - heterogenous
Synonyms as a verb: differed - fluctuated - changed - altered - shifted - modified - adjusted

First seen (as an adjective) in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus (written 1593- 1594). The full text of the play may be found here.

shakespeare, wordsmith: uniquepov, english, verb, adjective, theme: shakespeare, v

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