Sunday Word: Wabi-sabi

Jan 26, 2025 19:50

wabi-sabi [wah-bee-sah-bee]

a Japanese aesthetic concept that finds beauty and serenity in objects, landscapes, designs, etc., that are simple, imperfect, and impermanent; a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay


Take for example the concept of 'wabi-sabi,' which is so important in Japanese aesthetics. The phrase literally means 'forlorn and aged' and refers to an appreciation of a simple, austere aesthetic. It's exemplified by the kind of simple rustic-looking tea houses found in traditional Japanese gardens. (Damian Flanagan, Edging Toward Japan: How a dying tree taught me the true meaning of wabi-sabi, The Mainichi, July 2024)

The team looked to Japanese wabi-sabi for the hotel interiors and used reclaimed wood for many of the finishes (Emily Zemler, How the lavish hotel in 'Murder at the End of the World' evolves into a futuristic fortress, Los Angeles Times, December 2023)

Wabi-sabi creations often result from a flow of naturally occurring elements, as opposed to manipulating the raw materials to the artist's will. Thus, the artist is seen as a conduit, not an independent creator. (Matt Johnson, Wabi-Sabi and the Psychology of Imperfection, Psychology Today, September 2024)

Charlotte Wong, a counselling psychologist, tells Young Post how a Japanese philosophy called wabi-sabi can help us deal with pressure and be more accepting of our mistakes. (Doris Wai, How Japanese wabi-sabi philosophy can help teens de-stress, accept their flaws, find self-love, South China Morning Post, November 2023)

(the above article's picture, because it is beautiful; click to enlarge)

japanese, noun, wordsmith: sallymn, w

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