Tuesday word: Autodidact

Jun 11, 2024 14:25

Tuesday, Jun. 11, 2024

Autodidact (noun)
au·to·di·dact [aw-toh-dahy-dakt, -dahy-dakt]

1. a person who has learned a subject without the benefit of a teacher or formal education; a self-taught person.

Other Words From
au·to·di·dac·tic [aw-toh-dahy-, dak, -tik], adjective

Origin: First recorded in 1525-35; from Greek autodídaktos “self-taught”; auto- , didactic

Example Sentences
She was also an autodidact, an illegitimate girl from the provinces whose intelligence became the stuff of legend.
From The Daily Beast

Oswald was a left-wing autodidact who had defected to the Soviet Union.
From The Daily Beast

Since Carruth is a one-man band and autodidact, he learned how to create the special effects for the creature himself.
From The Daily Beast

As a puff autodidact, it's taken me longer to figure them out than someone who's been formally trained.
From The Daily Beast

a, noun, wordsmith: simplyn2deep

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