samples redux

Mar 06, 2009 20:59

1st person sample:

[video flickers on]

[a latin woman wearing short shorts, a black tube top stands in front of Iron Man's office buidling, looking cold and pissed off.]

[she is speaking in Portuguese, text appearing below in English]


Tin Man or whatever the hell your name is.  You watchin' this?  You got a choice, you fucking piece of trash.  Take me back home now or I'll fucking shove that fucking telecomputer up yer ass!  Where the fuck am I anyway?!

[the woman sticks her tongue out, flipping the video off]

Don't fuck with me ass hole or I'll send you to hell!
[video cuts out]

3rd Person sample

Michiko stood outside the building for a long time, puffing away at a cigarrette and glaring up at what she approximated was the window of the man's office.  Weird guy...  Who the fuck goes around in armor anyway?  Asshole must be the ugliest guy in the world.  And this ugly mother fucker had just suddenly got it into his tin can head to pull her away from Hatchin and suddenly deposit her here.  Just when they were finally getting close to finding Hiroshi!  She was days away from finding the love of her life and now she was here...  Here. HERE!

Where the fuck was here anyway?!

Michiko was cold, lost and her hand still stung a little from the one shot she managed to get on that fucking metal man before he kicked her out of his office and into the street below.  Literally.  Her ass didn't hurt as much anymore, but her pride had been crippled and underneath everything her anger was slowly reaching the breaking point.

She had given up on trying to get back in the office.  The heavy doors to the dickhead's office had stopped her when security had been slow.  But, Michiko rationalized, if she was put in jail it would be harder to get the money she would need to get back home.  Right.  Rob the bank, THEN beat the shit out of the asshole.  There was her plan.

But first...

Peering down a near by alley, she found just what she needed.  A nice old fashioned garbage bin, still full of the weeks trash.  Perfect.  Michiko hefted it over her head easily, failing to notice in her moment of enraged revenge just how light the full trash can felt, and carried it out to the spot she had been standing.  She swung the trash can around, swinging it into an arch until it built enough momentum and then- WHOOSH!- sent it flying towards the office window.

Michiko wasn't really expecting it to hit the window, but CARASH!  It not only hit, but shattered the glass.  Michiko rocked back on her heels, somewhat vindicated by the sight of the shattered window and the mental image of the once pristine office covered in trash.  Turning, she pulled out a cigarrette from her shorts pocket, lighting it and taking a deep drag.  Right.  Time to get to work.

First she had to find a gun, then the bank.
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