(no subject)

May 12, 2009 07:08

I hate my phone. My cell phone, that is. I hate it. I should just get another battery for my old RAZR.

Ok, I have what I'm wondering if is a unique problem. And it's not just the grammar in that sentence!!! My hair wraps around any chains I wear (necklaces) and I don't know how to get it off. I tried soaking the chains in stuff like Liquid Plumber, but that seems so harsh. And it took all the color off of one of my chains. Yeah, it was probably electroplated and it stripped it but the end result was that a necklace I like was half ruined by it. Is there any other way I can get the hair off of my chains. More and more of them are unwearable because of this. Jewelry cleaner? Baby oil? What?
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