Crazy dream

May 22, 2010 07:36

This morning before I woke up I had a dream that I was coming home to my old house in Abilene, TX where I used to live. Strangely, I had a cheetah in my car which had 2 cubs and I was cutting up some meat to feed it. There was a big problem though...

In the backyard a Mother Bear had killed a Lion and was looking for food. It also had 2 cubs with it. I quickly locked the door and then took what was as starving Jaguar on my back to try and fight the Bear and get it out of the back yard.

The Jaguar ended up getting killed because it couldn't fight and I was trying quickly to close the fence gates and find a way to keep myself alive as the mother bear rushed at me. Somehow, some neighbors joined the scene outside of the fence from the front yard and maybe distracted the bear...I'm not sure, but the bear left with its cubs which gave me time to close the gates.

Really strange dream...I'm wondering if the Lord is showing me what is going to happen concerning WWIII. These animals are obviously the animals talked about in Revelation and Daniel. So, just thinking about it here is how I would interpret it:

It looks as though Russia will try to invade America and Britain, France, Spain, etc. will either play dead or have very little to do with the fighting...or it will be wiped out. Those from Germany/Italy etc. (Mid and S. Eastern Europe) will be thrown into the fight simply because the man (the U.S.?) will put it on its back and use it for a distraction measure but it will not be effective and be killed or rendered disabled very quickly. The cheetahs obviously represent Africa and maybe South America and India or Indonesia/Phillipines are the cubs. I'm not sure about the Bear cubs but they may be China and Korea or Pakistan.

Anyways, if this is a foretelling dream/vision about what is going to happen as far as the war goes it is somewhat encouraging. The way things look now the U.S. is on the verge of being completely overtaken by the New World Order/U.N. down to the local level by means of ideological fascism.

But with the Bear attacking, I'm thinking something is going to happen that either provokes, or, gives an excuse for Russia/China/Pakistan (the kings of the east) into leading a war to continue the 6th trumpet's destruction which our nation has conveniently started by Bush's 9-11 terrorist attack on the U.S.

It may very well have to do with this S. Korean 'sinking' ship incident that a submarine apparently destroyed. Funny how no one can say for sure who's submarine it was though yet the idea from the Clinton camp is that a war needs to come out of this and it may possibly lead to an invasion of the U.S.

Anyways, I'm not going to get to far into could have just been a crazy dream but the Biblical references are very strong...strong enough to really remind me of the last chapters of Daniel which may be the purpose in the first place.
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