Dec 13, 2005 21:51
Just finished my first ever treatment of acupuncture.
I enjoyed that a lot, we will see what flushes out in the next 24 hours.
The second Rune question is:
Why was I born?
(Remember if you want to play, pick a number between 1 and 10 and I will draw for you.)
I have drawn:
The blank Rune.
(Seriously. I guess my fate is what I make of it.)
The unknowable
The Divine
Odin, the All-Father
Blank is the end, blank the beginning. This is the Rune of total trust and should be taken as exciting evidence of your most immediate contact with your own true destiny which, time and again, rises like the phoenix from the ashes of what we call fate.
(Funny, the phoenix is my power animal! -Matthew)
The appearance of this Rune can portend a death. But that death is usually symbolic and may relate to any part of your life as you are living it now.
Relinquishing control is the ultimate challenge for the spiritual warrior.
Here the unknowable informs you that It is in motion in your life. In that blankness is held undiluted potential. At the same time both pregnant and empty, this Rune comprehends the totality of being, all that is to be actualized.
Drawing the Blank Rune may bring to the surface our deepest fears: Will I fail? Will I be abandoned? Will it all be taken away? And yet our highest good, our truest possibilities and all our fertile dreams are held within that blankness.
Willingness and permitting are what this Rune requires, for how can you exercise control over what is not yet in form? The Blank Rune often calls for no less an act of courage than an empty-handed leap into the void. Drawing it is a direct test of faith.
The Unknowable represents the path of karma- the sum total of your actions and their consequences, the lessons that are yours for this lifetime. And yet this Rune teaches that the very debts of old Karma shift and evolve as you shift and evolve. Nothing is predestined: What beckons is the creative power of the unknown.
Whenever you draw the Blank Rune, take heart: Know that the work of self-change is progressing in your life.