ключевые слова и фразы, связанные с процедурой подачи документов,
получения визы, выезда, работы за границей.
I was able to live and work in the UK by way of a UK Work Permit and Visa. Here's the story. posted my resume on an industry-specific job site, and was contacted by a UK recruiting firm. I had to fly in for an interview, but it was worth it. The company offered me the job and applied for a UK Work Permit on my behalf (this is the only way). * разрешение на работу * разместил резюме * кадровое агенство * предложила мне работу * подала заявку * от моего имени *
The lawyer who handled the application said that he had to provide sufficient evidence to show that the company could not find a suitable candidate in the EU to fill the advertised position. Also, I had to provide evidence to show that I was qualified for the position university transcripts and reference letters from former employers. The Work Permit was approved within 3 weeks. * адвокат * обрабатывал заявление * предоставить достаточно свидетельств * подходящий кандидат * заполнить рекалмируемую должность * квалифицирован для должности * рекомендательные письма * бывших работодателей * было одобрено в пределах 3-х недель *
Next, I had to apply for a UK Visa through the British High Commission in Ottawa. I had to answer a bunch of questions and provide the Work Permit, original passports (current and expired), bank statements for the last 3 months, and pay stubs for the last 3 months. I applied online, and sent the application and supporting documents by mail. The Visa was approved within 2 weeks. * текущий и просроченный * выписки из банка * подавал заявку он-лайн * заявление и подтверждающие документы *
Under the terms of the Work Permit, I'm allowed to live and work in the UK for 5 years, as long as I remain employed by the same company. I believe after 4 years I can apply for UK citizenship, as long as I haven't spent a lot of time outside of the UK during those 4 years. * по условия, требованиям * мне разрешается * пока я остаюсь работозанятым одной и той же компанией * подать на гражданство * при условии, что не провел слишком много времени за пределами *
In general, it was a simple, yet lengthy process (almost 2 months). The difficult part is finding a UK employer willing to go through the Work Permit application process. However, I think there are UK companies and/or recruitment firms that actively search for overseas talent. * долгий процесс * работодателя желающего * пройти процесс подачи и обработки заявления *
So yeah. that's how I got in. Hopefully this information helps out a fellow Canadian!
*** UPDATE ***
I've received quite a few private messages regarding this post. So I'll add a bit to the original post.
I am a game developer. My resume was posted on a site for game developers. This is what I meant when I said "industry-specific". The headhunter found me through this site because he was looking for a game developer with a specific skill set and experience working with a specific technology on a specific platform. * мое резюме было размещено * охотники за головами * навык, умение *
At the time I was not actively looking to move to the UK. In fact, I wasn't even looking for a new job. I was quite happy in Toronto. The UK opportunity just presented itself out of the blue one day and it was an offer that I could not refuse. * переехать в * искал новую работу * благоприятная возможность * представилась * это было предложение, от которого я не смог отказаться *
Unfortunately, I do not know of any websites or employment agencies that specialize in finding foreign workers for UK companies. * агенства по трудоустройству * специализируются * иностранных рабочих *
The important thing to know is that a UK Work Permit is pursued by the company, not the individual. So, as an individual, all you can really do is hope that your skills are in high demand. If so, it will be easy to find a UK company willing to acquire a work permit for you. If not, then there are other ways to work in the UK. * запрашивается * ваши навыки, умения пользуются большим спросом * приобрести разрешение на работу *
The Highly Skilled Migrant Program in particular is an *excellent* way to go. I think I might switch to that one soon so I can have the freedom to work for any UK company. It costs 400 quid to apply, but I'm hoping the company will pay for that. * Миграционная Программа для Высококвалифицировнных Рабочих * работать на любую британскую компанию. *
Another possible alternative is to get a job with an international company with offices in Canada and the UK. Then, request a transfer to the UK, or serach the internal job postings for positions in the UK office. Large multinationals usually have the in-house resources to handle personnel transfers across countries, and are familiar with acquiring work permits. This approach is a bit risky, but it *could* work. * размещение объявление внутри страны * знакомы с (процедурой) прибретения разрешения на работу *
And then of course, there are all the schemes and programmes available for working in the UK:
www.workingintheuk.gov.uk/working_in_the_uk/en/homepage/schemes_and_programmes.html инфа с сайта www.canuckabroad.com, а именно
если есть желание, то я ещё пару постов в подобном стиле сделаю.