EVERY подразумевает массовость: Hello, every student has to bring 50 dollars tomorrow! а EACH индивидуальность: I spoke with Dima, Sasha and Ivan. Each student can bring 50 dollars.
If you refer to each thing or each person in a group, you are referring to -ссылаетесь на- every member of the group and considering -считаете- them as individuals: Each book is beautifully illustrated. You use every to indicate that you are referring to all the members of a group or all the parts of something and not only some of them: recipes for every occasion -случай, повод.
EACH может употребляться самостоятельно: two bedrooms, each with three beds. а EVERY не так может, нужно добавлять ONE: everyone.
If something is inevitable, it is certain to happen and cannot be prevented -предотвращено- or avoided*: The defeat -поражение- had inevitable consequences -последствия- for British policy.
суффиксом -ly мы превращаем прилагательное в наречие: careful внимательный - carefully внимательно
If you avoid something unpleasant that might happen, you take action in order to prevent it from happening: The pilots had to take emergency -аварийная ситуация- action to avoid a disaster -катастрофу. If you avoid doing something, you choose not to do it, or you put yourself in a situation where you do not have to do it: He was always careful to avoid embarrassment -смущение, неловкая ситуация.
If you are disappointed, you are rather sad because something has not happened or because something is not as good as you had hoped: Hunters -охотники- won't be disappointed with the Isle of Man.