4 Ways to Simplify your English Learning

Jul 08, 2013 19:02

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4 совета этого ролика можно кратко описать 1 китайской пословицей:
идешь - иди, стоишь - стой. главное - не дергайся.
о том, как на слух улавливать - а это самое сложное для иностранцев - я здесь писал.

If you simplify something, you make it easier to understand or
you remove the things which make it complex.
a plan to simplify the complex social security system... ≠ complicate

If you remove something from a place, you take it away.
As soon as the cake is done, remove it from the oven...
He went to the refrigerator and removed a bottle of wine.

If you remove an obstacle, a restriction, or a problem, you get rid of it.
The agreement removes the last serious obstacle to the signing of the arms treaty...

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