Apr 13, 2007 14:36
No, it's not a political post!
Offspring #1's new obsession is "American Pie" (the song, not the flick). We used to sing it to him, over and over and over, when he was fussy as a baby, because it was the longest song we both knew and we were always optimistic that he'd fall asleep by the end. Never happened. Anyway, last night we asked him to come to dinner when it ended and he restarted it (little booger, definitely our smartass kid) - but what I really want to share is that he hummed along to the whole thing and sang the last chorus himself. When it finished, he turned off the stereo and headed in for dinner, humming the last note two octaves up.
How long before we're really sick of this song again?? But my kid's a musical genius, I tell you!
PS The other one likes to bubble (you know, blow air through his lips to make noise, like blowing raspberries but not involving the tongue in key. Two musical geniuses.