Jul 12, 2004 01:53
Everyone that has been on any type of religious retreat can tell you about their spiritual high. They can also tell you that it normally only last about a week. Unfortunately after returning to the "real world" everything seems to go back to the way it used to be. We again are afraid to show that we are christians. We are unable to stand up and give everything to God. Why is it so easy to say here I am Lord I surrender I give myself to you when we are away from that "real world".
I have been home for a week and one day. And I have lost some of that high but I did learn a few things that I will always carry with me. Every day I wake up and thank the Lord for giving me life. Something that we tend to do on retreats, but not at home. It is really amazing what a difference it makes.
Notre Dame was amazing! The campus was beautiful green with lots of trees. You can feel Gods presence or at least I could. Beautiful statues of Jesus and crosses are spread across the campus.
The Grotto all I can say is WOW. A place to light a candle in prayer knowing that a rosary will be said there every day. So many different chapels. Every where you went you could sit down and pray. St. Marys' lake! St. Josephs' lake! The people were friendly! The speakers were a gift. Mark Hart he is truly a gift he has the ability to draw the attention of young people! He can teach you so much in his humor. Matt Smith he has grown so much sense I saw him in Rome. He has remained strong in his faith and walked with God even in the "real world". He gives hope to many people. Matt Marr. He too is a strong person in faith and proves to be a very down to earth loving person. Matt Maher amazing musician. I also got to here him as a speaker he has such a loving heart. Monsignor Dale, He is a tough guy he shows tough love he speaks the truth. So many others Phil, Billy Sue, Beth the list goes on. So many people who love God and work through him. They change my life they give me hope. Mark Hart said something that has so much truth "It is not the church, the teachings,the gospel that keeps us catholic, it's the person that we see Christ in". I don't know where I would be today if it was not for the people that I see Christ in. I want to be that person that people see Christ in. I want to give others what I have been given. The Love of Christ is an awesome thing it is something that I will never be able to describe but I hope to show everyday.
My religion has always been questioned by others. I want to show them what is in my heart. I want to touch them and have them feel what I do. People say that religion can keep you away from the true meaning of God that it can miss lead you. But I would not be where I am now without it. Catholics are not perfect and I will never say that it is the only way. But when I am in a room of 250 catholic teenagers that were brought together because they are catholic that is truly God, not religion, not human faults, but God. Religion just helped us to get there.
Have you ever experienced 250 teenagers crying out to God? 250 teens standing up with their arms open verbally lifting their sins to God? That will never be miss leading. That is the most awesome thing that I have ever experienced in my life. Humans are not perfect and we never will be. We are sinners I am a sinner but God loves us no matter what.
This conference changed my life. I was going as a leader of five teens. Five of the toughest teens. I kept asking myself why did I get sent with teens that don't even seem to have much faith (the conference was meant to be for teen leaders so they can come back and lead their youth group based on what they learned I did not feel that they would do this, which they prob still wont). But I soon realized these kids needed to be there more than anyone. If they didn't have problems then what would have been the perpose of my being there. And as the conference went on I also realized that everyone there had some problem it might have not been in their faith but in something and they were not near as open as my teens. I have been blessed with teens that are able to open up. That are not afraid to show their faults. Which is a gift in itself. Okay I have to go to bed i get to have x-rays taken on my back tomorow well today it's almost 4am goodnight