LJ Anniversary

Jun 30, 2012 00:25

It's my LJ Anniversary. So I decided to do anniversary memes. My answers may be quite different from last time since I downsized my friends/communities considerable when I changed usernames.

Date you joined: 2004-06-29 23:28:19

Number of journal entries: 1,884 including this one.

Number of people on your friends list: Friends: 42 Communities: 103 Member of: 9 Watching: 43 Feeds: 0 Mutual: 19 Also Friend Of: 3 Virtual gifts received: 19

Person who introduced you to LJ: ayrdaomei

Still friends with this person: I am indeed

How many people have you introduced to LJ: 5 who are still here

List everyone on your friends list who you have met in person: achyroptera darksylvia dragon_c i_am_badger katatomic knotted_rose leahclaire lrcutter meshelleee noodles_consort penguingal petal_n_thorn seanan_mcguire skyote uhrichkr

Anyone on LJ you can't stand: I'm sure there are plenty of people on LJ that I can't stand. But I haven't come across any yet.

Name one person on your friends list you would most like to meet: Still ayrdaomei

Ever ban someone from commenting in your journal: A spambot.

Number of comments: Posted: 27,172 - Received: 13,162

Biggest pet peeve about LJ: It's much quieter now

Do you feel close to most of the people on your friends list: Not most, no, but certainly some of them.

How many journals on Live Journal do you have: two (the other is an fic journal).

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Top Commenters on kellis_amberlee's LiveJournal
(Self and anonymous comments excluded from rankings)

1penguingal 2907
2ayrdaomei 492
3i_am_badger 316
4nina_ds 262
5darksylvia 211
6tawathie 190
7pro_f_iler 159
8missmollyetc 157
9red_tanger 123
10spikedluv 12211emmademarais 119
12xtradry 112
13knotted_rose 99
14lishwitch 89
15titti 83
16achyroptera 81
17nicelyobsessed 80
18used_songs 73
19scifigirl 73
20logovo 67
21melissima 62
22janissa11 62
23gyen_gaoltosing 57
24asemic 54
25drlense 53
26petal_n_thorn 51
27miriam_heddy 50
28squaretothed 48
29neur0vanity 42
30cruzalicious 39
31thewhiteowl 38
32tavella 35
33leda_speaks 35
34orlisheart 34
35eatyourbroccoli 31
36dierne 31
37raedbard 29
38simonesa 28
39cain1999 28
40dragon_c 25
41jencarson 24
42uhrichkr 23
43cricketk 21
44lalla32 18
45flawed_karma 16
46kendermouse 15
47audrarose 15
48meshelleee 13
49angelskuuipo 12
50amoral_angel 10
51midnighta 10
52monkeyfun1 9
53walkawayslowly 9
54kevlar_fan 9
55daileygf 8
56improperlydone 7
57rubynye 6
58scripps 6
59mojokid 6
60lrcutter 6
61devo79 6
62langenoire 6
63fluffyllama 6
64nakeisha 6
65sparklinblossom 6
66cerisaye 5
67boymommytotwo 5
68daaarla 5
69wordsmithslash 5
70asaresquares 5
71driftwoodsun 4
72betagoddess 4
73logovo1 4
74batgurl10 4
75kymess_jr 4
76skyote 3
77maygra 3
783sat 3
79charleseppes 3
80kljoyce 3
81dance_the_code 3
82tya_rc 3
83lia_27 3
84big_nothin 3
85kisskoss 3
86amywyn 3
87green_mnm222 3
88only_spiders 2
89firestorm717 2
90kilthunter 2
91viggorlijah 2
92philosofialogos 2
93nighean_isis 2
94esmereldalin 2
95genuine_push 2
96orbitville 2
97flitshadowflame 2
98callmeang 2
99ex_misty_an 2
100neverbelonged 2
Total Commenters: 142 (42 not shown)
Total Comments: 13162
Report generated 6/30/2012 12:03:34 AM by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.7

* * *

I think it's inevitable that as we read each other's journals we create mental pictures of each other. Post this in your own journal to find out who your friends see when they read about your life.

Two Rules
1. The person must be in the movies or on TV (but doesn't have to be an actor/actress). It can be a specific role (e.g. Jennifer Elhe's Elizabeth Bennet) or just the actor/actress as we know them.
2. Please post a link to a picture of said person in the comments if you feel it would help identify the character. (For example, I can think of at least five completely separate physical representations of Johnny Depp!)

These castings can be based on things in the person's personality or on physical traits you know they have.

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1. Comment with any ship from a fandom that you know I like, or at least have some knowledge about.

2. I will ramble for 100 words about aforementioned ship. This may be incoherent gushing or exclamations of disgust, depending on what it is.

3. Put this on your LJ, if you are so inclined.

* * *

Top Five Meme: ask me top five stuff.

* * *

1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

* * *

memes & quizzes, reoccuring lj memes, anniversary memes

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