Beginning of the Year Status Memes

Jan 02, 2007 23:43

Date you joined: 2004-06-29 23:28:19

Number of journal entries: 1,435 including this one.

Number of people on your friends list: Friends: 78 Communities: 81 Feeds: 2 Mutual: 65 Also Friend Of: 29

Person who introduced you to LJ: ayrdaomei

Still friends with this person: Happily, yes, though unfortunately we don't talk as much as we used to.

How many people have you introduced to LJ: Four. achyroptera, tawathie, dragon_c and daileygf (though she probably doesn't count since she's never posted).

List everyone on your friends list who you have met in person: achyroptera, daileygf, darksylvia, dragon_c, eatyourbroccoli, i_am_badger, kinkajou_kenobi, knotted_rose, leahclaire, lrcutter, meshelleee, owlandtelegraph, penguingal, petal_n_thorn, squaretothed, tawathie, thewatership, and uhrichkr.

Anyone on LJ you can't stand: Yes.

Name one person on your friends list you would most like to meet: If I could only pick one it would still be ayrdaomei. We don't talk as much as we used to, but she's still my #1 choice. She was, and continues to be my fangirl guru even though we don't share a fandom these days (which makes me sad). nina_ds and missmollyetc are next on my wish list.

Ever ban someone from commenting in your journal: no.

Number of comments: Posted: Posted: 14,840 - Received: 8,487.

Biggest pet peeve about LJ: The inability to edit your comments.

Do you feel close to most of the people on your friends list: Not most, no, but certainly some of them.

How many journals on Live Journal do you have: Just the one.

1. Your LiveJournal user name & what it means:
schnaucl is just my username from Whitman. It's not terribly original, but it works, and it's definitely how I defined myself when I started LJ. I still define myself that way to some extent, though now that I've been out of college for as long as I was in college I don't think it's as big a part of how I define myself.

2. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your LiveJournal represent who you actually are?
6. I think I whine and complain a lot more in real life.

3. How much about your life do you post to LJ?
Some. I'm pretty open about my own life except for work, but I try very hard not to include private details of other people's lives without their permission.

4. Is there anything you refuse to post about?
I try not to post about work and never in specifics. I also try to avoid posting specifics about other people without their explicit permission.

5. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?
4-5 especially since I haven't been posting much lately.

6. Has anyone ever joined LJ because of you?

7. What proportion of your posts are friends only?
Less than 1%

8. What is your favorite interest on LJ?

9. How often do you post in communities, and did you ever start your own?
I very rarely post in communities. I try and leave comments to fanfic that I like though. I started one with nina_ds called the_solarium (which, by the way, has been updated).

10. How often do you respond to/comment on other people's journals?
Very often.

11. Do you prefer to write in your journal or read other journals?
It depends on my mood.

12. Have you ever had something mean said to you or been stalked, harassed or got into an argument/flame war on LJ (or did it to someone else)?
Not that I'm aware of.

13. Have you ever banned someone from your journal?

14. Who are your three favorite LJ friend(s) and why?
Once again I'm excluding people I know off-line because that's just too hard.
nina_ds - she is intelligent and articulate. I very much enjoy writing with her.
penguingal - She is warm and intelligent and a pleasure to write with.
missmollyetc - she is intelligent with a quirky sense of humor. I often find that she has great insight into characters and I enjoy discussing things with her.

15. Of all of the people on LJ you know of, who is the most like you?
I really have no answer to that these days.

16. Why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list?
Because he or she has written fic or created icons that I really like.

17. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?

18. What is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list?
A blank or rarely updated journal and/or a lack of common interests.

19. Is your "significant other" on LJ?
Not applicable.

20. Have you ever wanted to meet someone on LJ?

Top Commenters on schnaucl's LiveJournal
(Self and anonymous comments excluded from rankings)

1penguingal 1649
2ayrdaomei 424
3i_am_badger 265
4nina_ds 212
5darksylvia 163
6pro_f_iler 154
7missmollyetc 145
8tawathie 135
9red_tanger 107
10lishwitch 67
11scifigirl 63
12titti 63
13janissa11 57
14gyen_gaoltosing 55
15emmademarais 54
16petal_n_thorn 51
17xtradry 50
18knotted_rose 50
19squaretothed 47
20miriam_heddy 43
21drlense 43
22slick_puppy 39
23cruzalicious 39
24neur0vanity 34
25logovo 32
26dierne 31
27orlisheart 30
28raedbard 29
29tavella 28
30leda_speaks 25
31angeliksmall 24
32jencarson 24
33raeyashi 24
34cain1999 24
35achyroptera 22
36spikedluv 19
37lalla32 18
38dragon_c 15
39kendermouse 13
40uhrichkr 11
41cricketk 11
42meshelleee 11
43audrarose 11
44flawed_karma 11
45midnighta 10
46walkawayslowly 9
47kevlar_fan 9
48monkeyfun1 8
49daileygf 8
50improperlydone 7
51simonesa 7
52nakeisha 6
53sparkleblsm 6
54mojokitten 5
55daaarla 5
56wordsmithslash 5
57asaresquares 5
58lrcutter 4
59betagoddess 4
60used_songs 4
61fluffyllama 4
62logovo1 4
63batgurl10 4
64kymess_jr 4
65tya_rc 3
66lia_27 3
67eatyourbroccoli 3
68big_nothin 3
69kisskoss 3
70amywyn 3
71green_mnm222 3
72langenoire 2
73angelskuuipo 2
74amoral_angel 2
75misty_anne 2
76neverbelonged 2
77castalie 2
78gimme_that 2
79raven_annabelle 2
80hotrobotnurse 2
81dcruz 2
82delle 1
83nighean_isis 1
84viggorlijah 1
85clexzone 1
86lavender02760 1
87wild_irises 1
88qe2 1
89gossymer 1
90majrgenrl8 1
91maygra 1
92hotlevel4 1
93owlandtelegraph 1
94misswelles 1
95divia_pendragon 1
96soundscene 1
97wrenlet 1
98triptnx 1
99charlidos 1
100hobbit_feet 1

Total Commenters: 104 (4 not shown)
Total Comments: 8489
Report generated 1/2/2007 11:57:30 PM by scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.7


memes & quizzes, reoccuring lj memes, anniversary memes, beginning of the year memes

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