The new theme is inspired by the novel "The Secret Garden". You, as a model, are required to take pictures that tell the story of The Secret Garden to the best of your ability. A link to the story's wiki page will be provided in case you've never read it, or have not seen the movie.
1. Please submit 6 pictures (color only, please), no larger than 600 x 800 pixels (RESIZE YOUR PICTURES) to (attachments only, please). Also, be sure to number your pictures so I know what order to put them in.
2. This is an outdoor shoot. Yay...
3. Hair, make-up, and wardrobe should tie into the story.
4. A small amount of text is okay, as long as it is telling the story.
5. Remember, this is a fashion spread.
6. Please keep the photoshopping to a minimum. If you want your pictures editted, submit them atleast 24 hours before the deadline, and specify what it is you'd like to have done (If you do not tell us what you want to have done to your pictures, they will be left as they are).
7. Test shots (pictures or ideas intended to give the judges an idea as to what direction you're taking your photoshoot in) are due by 11 pm EASTERN STANDARD time on Thursday, February 19th.
8. Photoshoots are due by 8:00 pm, EASTERN STANDARD time on Monday, February 23rd.
9. You guys know the drill with the extensions. Don't abuse them.
Wiki Page
The Secret Garden If you're a model, and haven't joined
ljntmthemes, I highly suggest doing so.
If you are not a model, but would like to do the shoot, please feel free to email your pictures to me.