*The Teenage Years::Smiles, tears, superficial fears, All are part of the teenage years. First dates, first cars, Having crushes on football stars. First jobs, First kisses, One to many hits and misses. The best years of growing up, With great achievments and screwing up. Good girls, bad boys, Finally throwing out old toys. Sneaking out, getting caught, Remembering all the fights we've fought. Boyfriends, girlfriends, hoping they're love never ends. Heart-breaks, making out, Just to hear parents shout. Drugs, pot and beer, All are part of the teenage years. High school college, then it ends, Its time to change once again. But we'll always remember all of the times, When we won we lost and when we cried. We'll always have memories of our fights and fears, And all the good times spent in the teenage years.*
hey everyone i thought this was the cutest poem.....like its so true theres a lot of poems out there that i like alot.......i wish i was gifted enough to be able to write my own shit.....eh oh well ill live so ya anywayz today was yet another boring day at school......were gona be having a prep rally on wednesday cuz we be going to state!!! woo hoo.....i hung out with kev and doody there pretty fun althought ally is all like eww i dont like them i could give a flying rats ass haha well yah anyways im on the phone with titi........im so tierd....but i gotta stay up cuz me kevin bobby and pat are goin to pick up clark at bhs and were goin cruzin...haha yahhh buddy.....well im outtie PEACE