Oct 23, 2004 01:05
so work has me stressed, and shit going on outside of work has me stressed. There are things that i just don't need in my life like drama - grated some drama is due to me creating it. but anyway - this is my last live journal entry - i'm going elsewhere - i don't feel like sharing anything w/ anyone anymore - i don't care if that's mean to anyone i'm cool w/ but i'm sorry i'm not dealing w/ any shit like this ever again - so lets come clean -
for the past 14 months - i've been in a relationship with someone - when it was good it was good, but when it was bad - i wanted nothing more then to throw in the towel and get the fuck out of dodge. And it wasn't always bad - but once it got bad - it was hard to bounce back to when it was good. so each arguement put it further from ever getting back to what it once was.
So i'm going to another journalling site where i can feel free to be me and not worry about what anyone reads or comments or whatnot - i'm really sorry, but i'm so done w/ everyone and everything - i'm going to work, doing my job, coming home, chilling and going to bed - so i know i'm gonna get responses, don't feel bad if i don't reply but i'm never going to force myself to deal with situations that I don't want to deal with. I don't think i should have to - and I won't so F' All ya'll
one last time - i'm out
sick of this shit