an update?

Dec 16, 2005 22:51

today is friday the 16th, I'm at my dad's right now and generally that's when i get bored enough to update this. tomorrow morning i'm going up to gaylord to celebrate christmas with my grandparents on my father's side. we're celebrating it early because normally it's hard to fit in all sides within the two-day peramiter(christmas eve/christmas day). it will be interested to see my grandparents, it's been nearly a half a year since i last seen them. that's not the only thing, they gave me 500 dollars as a gift and i never got around to thanking them. so to put it lightly, they are hurt that i havn't taken the time to thank them for the generousity. it's not that i'm not thankful, it's just that i often overlook the importance of showing how grateful i am for it. and that doesn't only apply to this situation, it also applies to a lot of other things that have happened in my life. i can think of two relationships that i either have taken for granted or am currently taking for granted now. so let's just say, i'll try to make that my new years resolution. to make people feel like i'm grateful for all that they do for me rather than keep them in the dark and feel like what they do goes unnoticed. anyways, i'm gonna try to find the time to apolagize to my grandparents individually. aside from that and missing chelsea, i'm sure i'll love it up there. everything about my grandparents house reinforces the holiday spirit. tons of snow, well lit fire, beer and cashews, and some form of beef slow roasting all day. somewhat of a mowrey tradition.

the band is going into the studio on the 30th this month. i'm really looking forward to that. we're gearing up for some changes which most of you are already privy to. i feel bad i won't be there this weekend, last weekend was so productive. we're getting shirts made, and i'll assure you they are gonna be seven hundred and twenty three times better than the other ones we had. anyways, my menstrol cycle says that i generally start bleeding around the 6th or 7th of every month. i'm pretty worried i'm late. so i'm gonna go take an e.p.t. and i'll talk to you later.

i love you
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