as SCENE on TV..

Aug 18, 2005 12:42

blittytittyblooblah! scenester-schmenester! let's not forget about the music! let's say this.. if you wear black eye-liner.. you might be a redneck scenester. If you have your hair died an unnatural color and have a chunk in the front that is a contrasting color.. you might be a scenester. if you wear girlpants and have a wiener.. you might be a scenester.

the general misconseption is that being "scene" is cool. I'm assuming this was a trickle down affect starting with mike. because most of you never even heard that word until he came along. mike used the word "scene" to describe cool kids that listened to cool music(at the beginning at least he did).

but the problem is... being "scene" is a quite damning thing to be. look around at all the scene kids.. they are all the same. it's pathetic, they all try to act like they are different from everyone else, yet they are still trying to fit in to their clothes that are three times too small.. anyways.. my girls here i gotta go.. i'll continue my rant later.. i'm pretty sure there is a point to this.
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