waking as if from a dream...

Sep 11, 2010 10:00

Finally a day free from retailhell!

Finally a day that is not 90 degrees or higher. This summer has been the hottest on record for Louie-ville, with 74(and still counting) days over 90. Not good for an ice-flower such as myself. Also, the Cock-O-the-Wall has refused to get our central air fixed for the last two years "But honey, our utility bill is sooo much lower..." and "I rather like this weather". V, (or he really is a Tyrannosaurus-Mike)> .

Anyway, I digress. Autumn is breathing her lovely cool breath upon my neck, and I am inspired to pick up many of my old(and some new as well) diversions.   Today I am planning to wall paper the downstairs bathroom, and I really need to get some paint for the family room as well (toying with painting it a deep blue, the stenciling small golden stars scattered around the walls, and finally painting a giant crescent moon on the wall so that I can take "paper moon" pictures.


Particularly fond of these three, though I have many more images.

I also am giving myself an image overhaul. currently I have a platinum blonde bob, and am thinking of changing the color. Now, I have only had the platinum for the last month (before that it was the rather dismal medium dishwater color  that Nature herself bestowed on me) and changing it to the platinum, just about gave the old ladies/old dudes I work with a mass case of the vapors. I wonder when I started worrying about what others think of my appearance...? Anyway black is out, I think it is too harsh for my coloring (I really do not relish being in full make-up 24/7 to balance it out). I have shied away from reds since my oldest  was about 2 . Too many "Oh I see where she gets her lovely red hair from"s.  Then me explaining no she gets hers from her father, I get mine from a bottle.. However red doesn't seem as scary as it used to. Who knows. I have to wait until Monday when I get paid before I can do anything about that.

On the other side of the image overhaul front is wardrobe.  Le Sigh... My mainstay for cool clothes shopping is thrift shops, and over the summer my 2 favorite "go to" stores have closed. I don't have the time or money to travel all over the city to shop at the moment. This said I really don't know what direction I want to go with clothes anyway. I covet the flapper look, but am built more like Mae West, than Louise Brooks. So I don't know what I am going to do with that.

Today, after the wallpapering, I am going to clear off my work table, and get some time in on Camilla's dollhouse (she was supposed to have gotten it for her birthday back in July, and it is still half finished (it has been just too damn hot to work in my un-air conditioned sewing/craft room). I am also going to make a list of other retail establishments that I might want to work for, and see about applying to the ones that have online  applications .

real life, malfesance in miniature, the cock o' the wall, glamour

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