Jun 11, 2010 10:35
the long skinny snake's
Shinto shrine...
-Issa, 1818
Been absent a while... have been obsessed with my new (ok got it in late April) toy. I have a B&N Nook e-reader. I have a couple of actual books on it, but mostly I have been using it to read fanfic that I have downloaded to PDF format. I guess it could be called my *Nookie* (groans at own bad pun >.<) I have been reading HP fanfic as of late. (just like me to get into HP fanfic after several other fandoms, while so many started with HP and branched out).
Summer is shaping up weird so far. My freetime has been almost nonexistant. Hoping to get some more remodeling done this summer, but as we do not have air conditioning (and Louisville has been unbearable so far...hate to see what august will be like-*shudder*), so I can see many of the projects having to be put on hold till cooler days return.
Probably will read lots of manga, watch lots of anime (a distraction I share with all three daughters) and try to keep cool..