That, no, I am not dead, nor have I fallen off the face of the earth.
December has been unbelievably busy.
Work has been insane. I have worked retail at the holidays in the past, but I have never seen people as downright rude as this year. It has been a trial...
In addition to working I had to work in my holiday shopping on the off days, try to get out to visit my grandmother, and just keep up with various housekeeping duties etc.. I am quite exhausted!
I am going to start taking my grandmother to her radiation treatments 4 days a week starting on the 11th of next month. My hours at the retail job from hell will be going through their annual post X-mas drop, and my parents are in the process of moving from Louisville, to Evansville, IN(about a 3 hour drive one way) so I get the honor. I shall also look for a different job during my 8 week stint as chauffeur. I really only know retail, and wouldn't mind staying in the field if I can get on somewhere that more appeals to my personal interests (bookstores, record shops, craft or sewing shops etc.) The Cock O' the Wall thinks I need to find a "Career", and has been pushing me to do all sorts of things I have no interest in or qualification for... sigh. I really understand the point he is trying to make, but as per usual his methods and manner leave much to be desired. Trying to start a "Career" at 37(38 in a little more than a month) when you have spent most of your adult life as a stay home mother with short forays into retail sales is not as easy as he makes it out to be... especially in this job market.
I haven't been particularly active in bandom lately, but I have lurked a little. I have danced around with a couple of old fandoms (Death Note, and Sherlock Holmes), and have taken up a new (to me at any rate) fandom as well - Jeeves/Wooster (yum!).
I cut my bangs earlier this month, and I like it quite better this way. I am also getting ready to go very very blonde later this afternoon. It is not that I think blondes have more fun, or anything like that, it is for a purely practical reason. My hair is thinning, and with my current shade of brown (which is darker than my mid ash blonde roots) I can see too much of my own scalp. I am hoping that the lighter shade will act as camoflage, it may not, but I also desperately need a a change so I am willing to try it.
Well that is about all I can think of at the moment, I may update more later today, maybe I will even post a picture of my hair (if it doesn't all fall out!).
I hope everyone on my friends list had a Merry X-mas!