May 17, 2005 13:04
uhh,,,well i know i can't have my cake and eat it also, tell me i have never been the princss. EVERYTHING has cost me. NOt my Mommy and Daddy, i don't think you should even have to tell me such things. If i have the things i do it's cuz i worked hard for it remember i have been working since i was 14. and no i'm not asking for sympathy im just want gratitude and loyalty. i gave you all my trust and friendship and you QUESTON MY MORALS... i can't belev that shit. its ok i'm not mad and like you jazmin i don't care what you and you ROYAL dynusty of "Upraising" thinks. i'm happy and i'm a survivor i hold no hard feelings and i don't expect any one to approve or me all i ask is for people to mind there own.