Prompt Post: ROUND EIGHT

Aug 10, 2011 08:41



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Comments 7249

Charles/Erik, Spy vs Spy anonymous August 10 2011, 09:00:10 UTC
Anyone remember the old Black Spy vs White Spy comics or shorts?

Would love to see the same dynamic with Charles and Erik, where they're both spies constantly trying to one up each other but always end up with an even score. Eventual sexy time after years of trying to kill each other UST?


Re: Charles/Erik, Spy vs Spy 1sickpuppy_139 August 10 2011, 09:05:02 UTC
Omg, Seconded!


Re: Charles/Erik, Spy vs Spy anonymous September 12 2011, 04:30:59 UTC


Charles/Erik - Mutants, Actually... anonymous August 10 2011, 09:07:20 UTC
Because Charles and Erik are the Keira Knightley and Andrew Lincoln of XMFC. :3

Christmas 1962, after The Divorce, Erik returns to the mansion and tells Charles how much he loves him with cardboard signs. In his Magneto suit. With the cape. No helmet removal. Just... At the door with cardboard signs.

Lone Bonus of Bonusness, Charles wanting one thing for Christmas - his Erik back for one minute. If Erik agrees or declines is up to you BUT I DO EXPECT HIM GETTING ONE HELL OF A KISS IF HE AGREES! :3


Re: Charles/Erik - Mutants, Actually... anonymous August 15 2011, 19:42:46 UTC


Re: Charles/Erik - Mutants, Actually... anonymous August 15 2011, 21:32:43 UTC


Charles/Erik D/s AU comp_lady August 10 2011, 09:09:04 UTC
Yes I know, another D/s AU. But this came to me in the middle of the night and wouldn't leave me alone. This is going to be a long prompt BTW

In every D/s AU I've seen they all mention Doms being assigned their subs and vice versa. I don't want that.
I want it where it's more an instinctual thing, a person just knows whether they are a Dom, sub or switch. With that is a sort of "matching" (a bit like soul mate type thing maybe?) where there is always someone who perfectly matches another when it comes to D/s, and people finding their match is pretty much the norm.

Charles is a Dom. A very good Dom, telepathy comes in handy for that (but he hates to rely on it). The main thing with him is that his telepathy also heightens the whole Matching thing. Anytime he is with a sub that isn't his a small corner of his mind coils away, makes him keenly aware that this is a one-off thing and that this won't last. Eventually he just stops with anything other than vanilla one night stands figuring that he can just wait until he finds his sub. As ( ... )


Re: Charles/Erik D/s AU comp_lady August 10 2011, 09:12:24 UTC


Re: Charles/Erik D/s AU - Question for OP zombieboyband August 19 2011, 15:25:21 UTC
Are you opposed to this being in a setting where, like, low level telepathy (nothing near Charles's level at all--more of a low level empath thing, I suppose) is fairly common? Like, mostly between Dom/sub matches, and that's part of how you know when you've found your match?


Re: Charles/Erik D/s AU - Question for OP comp_lady August 31 2011, 23:19:14 UTC
The hell, how late is this reply omg

That is something I hadn't contemplated, I like that.


Sean and his pipe: crack anonymous August 10 2011, 09:09:15 UTC
For you comic fans, remember Sean ALWAYS had a corn-cob pipe with him?

Yeah, what would happen if XMFC!Sean started smoking a pipe all the time? Where did he get it? How ridiculous does he look with it?

Bonus if he uses it to smoke weed. Extra bonus if it's pre-divorce.


Re: Sean and his pipe: crack constantbedhead August 13 2011, 00:40:12 UTC
i want to write this so badly. ;-; perhaps, perhaps.


Erik/Charles Erik/Shaw RAPE anonymous August 10 2011, 09:18:33 UTC
Yes, I'm sic. I want a fic with Shaw having his way with Erik. Can happen any time. Rape torture.. anything....

Bonus points for some Charles comfort.


Re: Erik/Charles Erik/Shaw RAPE anonymous August 10 2011, 20:10:05 UTC
Working on it, hum te tum.


Repost anonymous August 10 2011, 20:23:13 UTC
Reposts aren't allowed, and this has been requested tons of times in various ways, and filled several times. Here is a prompt that asked for exactly what you are, and was filled:


Re: Repost anonymous August 11 2011, 01:47:40 UTC
Not OP, but I was under the impression that only direct reposts weren't allowed. I'll agree that seeing the same prompt over and over is seriously annoying (pregnant Erik springs to mind) but unless this is an actual 'I already posted this prompt/saw it posted word-for-word' post, then I don't think it's a repost.


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