Prompt Post: ROUND EIGHT

Aug 10, 2011 08:41



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Charles/Erik- Beautiful Dreamer anonymous August 10 2011, 08:56:51 UTC
There are mornings where when Charles has a hard time waking up, lost to the world of thoughts, with only rambles of other scrambled dreams pouring from his lips, not knowing which are his and which belong to another. Erik reminds him who he is each and every time, pulling him from the distorted vision of his mind and back into reality.

The morning after Cuba, Charles never wakes up.

I dont know what this prompt is, but I'm tired and it seemed important to write.


Re: Charles/Erik- Beautiful Dreamer anonymous August 10 2011, 09:38:12 UTC
want this so much.


Question for OP anonymous August 12 2011, 05:54:56 UTC
Are you at all opposed to Raven knowing this too, just without the ability to fix it?


Fill: Stay In Coma 1/5 anonymous August 12 2011, 08:42:36 UTC

I. It starts when there’s no moon in the sky and his mother is drinking her way into another man’s arms, disregarding the leg she’s showing, the lips she’s pursing, the flouncy way she imagines herself despite herself. Because if she doesn’t pretend that she’s already laid out with Kurt Marko between her legs, or under another man to fix her before she drowns in the pool of vodka she’s swamped in, she won’t be able to pretend that she’s still that perfection on a billionaire’s platter and that’s a problem for her self-esteem ( ... )


Fill: Stay In Coma 2/5 anonymous August 12 2011, 08:43:43 UTC
II. By the time he’s college-age Charles has learned that, so long as he’s alone, he can sift through the pains in his waking moments after diligent work for an inordinate amount of time. Each night he retires early, disregarding the advances of women and men alike, to take to his bed, claiming headaches, studies, exhaustion, and anything else that isn’t difficult to convince them into believing. Each night he collapses, hoping that he’ll not have another night of fights, dreams, screaming, crying, love unrequited, requited love lives found in a romantics dreamscape, and fills his face with his pillows and sheets ( ... )


Fill: Stay In Coma 3/5 anonymous August 12 2011, 08:44:44 UTC
III. The night Charles meets Erik his dreams are wild, loud, and rampant across the grounds of the CIA housing he’s being kept in, filled to the brim with pains he’s never felt the rival of. He falls asleep with ease, and stays asleep with practiced peace until images of wars, stripped metal chains and fences, gunshots, and longing for things unattainable grab him. He cries out in his sleep, the words and mumblings bouncing off the thick, soundproof walls that shoot all of what he’s saying back to him, feeding the steps he’s taking down a road he never wishes to take. The chaos, entropy, flawlessness of each image that skids over him tramples down his temples in the sweat that’s sticking without reason, envelopes him like a scratching blanket of tacks. Each pin prick bleeds sensuous amounts of hatred into his life stream, contaminating each move he makes. Locked doors, barred windows, and chains protect whatever it is that’s seeking him and he’s caught up in a sea of unknowing, words amounting to little less than gibberish as they ( ... )


Fill: Stay in Coma 4/? anonymous August 12 2011, 08:45:47 UTC

“You can’t take my brother, he’s too young, he’s too young, what the fuck are you doing, get back, get back - I miss him, I miss him and the feel of his hands before he left me - I wonder if he knows, I wonder if he sees me at all - is she real, is she here, does she exist - why can’t I find it, why can’t I find myself, where am I, am I still sinking in this tank, I just want to fly, I just want to scream - I can’t, don’t do this, don’t do this, this is wrong, you’ll get hurt, this won’t help, stop, stop, stop, no, stopIt hasn’t been this bad in years, hasn’t been this frantic since he was young and caved to alcohol and easy women in his youth and Charles doesn’t know that he’s projecting - mildly, but projecting none the less - and when Raven meets Erik in the hall, both of them pale and sallow, dark bags under their eyes a signature of Charles, they both know why. Their eyes meet for a moment ( ... )


Re: Charles/Erik- Beautiful Dreamer anonymous August 12 2011, 08:46:57 UTC
“Charles.” Charles says his name, tentatively, as though the word were foreign to his tongue. Erik’s grip tightens, hands on Charles’ waist.

“Charles.” Erik kisses it into Charles’ hair, and Charles stays like that, smiling, knowing, peaceful.

“Charles.” And he finally knows it, for certain, no longer guessing, no longer weeding his way through everything that tethers him to everything he isn’t.

VI. For two weeks, every night, after chess, after wine, after talks of peace and promise and revenge, Erik lays next to Charles. For two weeks, every night, after training, after searching for others, after embracing and forgetting, Charles glides into the puzzle piece perfection of Erik underneath the sheets ( ... )


Fill: Stay in Coma 6/6 anonymous August 12 2011, 08:49:33 UTC

The hospital is loud and Charles sees the linoleum as he’s wheeled around, as he’s stripped of his suit, as doctors and nurses ask him inane questions, and he sinks away, sinks further into nothingness with each sweep of motion meant to aid him. He can’t register any of his body’s movements, doesn’t sense the surgery but instead senses the steadiness of the doctors, the strength of the nurses, the confidence of the people in the post-op. The feeling of the stiff bed in his hospital room does nothing to soothe the aching in his chest as it beats faster and faster, the journey of sleep forbidden ahead of him in the waning moments of his disregarded distorted reality.

He stares at the ceiling for hours, blankly forgetting himself.

X. “Charles? What are you - are you okay ( ... )


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Re: Fill: Stay in Coma 6/6 anonymous August 14 2011, 05:32:53 UTC
i'm so glad! (:


OP FLAIL of Joy anonymous August 14 2011, 05:37:46 UTC
Oh god, this was absolutely beautiful and so heartbreaking. THank you so much for filling, writer!anon, so much love for this and you.


Re: OP FLAIL of Joy anonymous August 14 2011, 15:37:40 UTC
!! thank you so much! i'm so happy you liked it!


Re: Fill: Stay in Coma 6/6 manaisabasterd August 14 2011, 09:32:28 UTC
I loved this. Really awesome stuff.


Re: Fill: Stay in Coma 6/6 anonymous August 14 2011, 15:38:45 UTC
thank you! glad you liked it. (:


Re: Fill: Stay in Coma 6/6 xmoonveilx August 17 2011, 07:11:03 UTC
My heart. It is broken for Charles. T-T


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