Prompt Post: ROUND SEVEN

Jul 24, 2011 19:47



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Re: Fill 5/?: Erik/Charles + other pairings, see triggers in 1st post anonymous August 11 2011, 20:27:19 UTC
Rogue wakes up to a room full of mutants. Hank, Sean, Suzanne, and Logan stand around her. I don’t need to read her thoughts to know how intimidating we all must appear, dressed in our suits. Fear is written all over her face, but I don’t feel so sympathetic at the moment.

I’m sorry, I hear her voice in my head. Your power should come back, this is only temporary.

“For how long?”

“I don’t know,” she sounds genuinely upset. “Soon. Please, I had no idea Emma would do that. All I wanted was sanctuary.”

“Who gives a fuck,” Sean snarls. “You exposed us. We can’t stay here anymore.”

Hank takes Sean by the arm, bending down to whisper something into his ear. I don’t hear what they say, too focused on the more pressing matter at hand.

“You’re part of the Brotherhood, are you not?” I question her, curious. “Why do you seek sanctuary from me?” Do you honestly not know of our history? I bite back, feeling turmoil of emotions rising inside.

At this Rogue’s face turns ugly. She holds herself back from tears of betrayal, her entire body trembling at the effort. “I was tricked. They didn’t want me. They only wanted…” Words fail her. Rogue turns away from us, and uncomfortably I listen as she sobs into the dead silence of the room.

Logan is less than impressed. “If you think that a few pathetic tears is going to save your sorry life...”

Suzanne nudges him in the ribs before coming forward and unbinding the ropes around Rogue’s hands.

“Come now,” she says gently. “We understand what it feels like to fall into the hands of those who use us for their own purpose.”

Suzanne turns to me questioningly, and I sigh, knowing that her words are true, and let them wash away the last of my anger.

“Sway, please find her some clean clothes and take her to the kitchen,” I smile slightly to prove that I am sincere. “I daresay you’re hungry.” Rogue sniffs, but at least she stops crying.

“Everyone else, please follow me. We’re going to need to devise a plan get the rest of our friends out of here safely, and us out alive.”

As we make our way to the drawing room, I pull Hank aside.

“What is going on with Sean?” He’s been acting odd all morning, and indeed, has been extremely withdrawn for the past week. It’s not normal for Sean, bright-faced and naturally cheery, to be acting that way.

Hank looks extremely uncomfortable, refusing to meet my eyes as he shifts from foot to foot hesitantly.

“Hank…” I say warningly.

Hank takes a breath and, as if it’s taking him all his might to say, manages to mumble two words, “Sean’s pregnant.”



Re: Fill 6a/?: Erik/Charles + other pairings, see triggers in 1st post anonymous August 11 2011, 20:32:21 UTC
When the attack comes, it is nothing like I expected. There is no explosion, no sirens nor screams of the terrified, and certainly no arrogant declaration of victory.

No, when it happens, I am alone with Cerebro in my office, having dispatched all the others to get everyone - about ten mutants and humans we rescued a week previous - off the mountain. Hank and Sean have taken control of the SR-73, bringing those who are most severely injured down to the mutant friendly clinic hidden away in Washington. Logan is moving down the mountain by foot, along with two mutants who are well enough to travel, with the intention of scouting and diverting as many away from the house as possible.

While waiting for Suzanne to erase all evidence of the fertile ones who have been rescued in the past year, I keep a watch on the premises. With my power still slowly seeping back in place, I need Cerebro to communicate across distance, as well as to make certain nothing is coming and leaving without my knowledge.

As it turns out, it’s useless to worry about being thorough.

Azazel bursts into existence in a puff of smoke, apple red and dangerous as I remember him. Standing next to him is Angel, her wings aflutter and her lovely face twisted in a smile.

“Professor,” Angel says, her voice soft and threatening all at once. “It’s been a while.”

I do not reply, opting instead to connect with her mind, hoping to immobilize her before she can do any damage.

“Ah ah.” A hand curls around my throat, and I gasp, grappling at the purposeful fingers as Cerebro is wrenched from my head. Azazel leans down, whispering into my ear with a sadistic laugh. “None of that, Professor, or I’ll have to hurt you.”

His words make me shudder. I have seen Azazel in action, have heard of his ruthlessness time and time again. He has come a long way from his crude method of dropping people off a great height, and I do not wish to find out how creative he can be just yet.

“You’re not here to kill me, then,” I say instead, buying time. I can feel my power much more definitely now, feel its shape as it realigns with my being. Soon enough, I will have its full capability at my fingers.

“Hardly,” Angel replies, coming closer. “Magneto won’t be too happy even if a single of your hair is disturbed.” She runs a finger down my hair, and I refrain from snapping at her.

“Though he did tell us to bring you back using any means necessary,” Azazel adds delightedly, his nails scraping down my throat. “Angel, the Wings, before he can use his power.”

I feel cold all over at the mention of the Wings, a device the government uses to suppress mutant’s power. So this is not an attack on the mutants I protect. All Erik is after, all along, is me. Irrationally, anger rises inside of me like a monster.

With or without you, Erik had said. Without me, he’s been doing fine. He refused my hand to seek a terrible future and robbed me of my childhood home, and now, he’s come to take the last thing I have any control over. The anger roils over me like heat, unstoppable and blinding.

“I won’t come with you,” I say stubbornly, digging my fingers into Azazel’s hold.

“You don’t have a-“

A bullet shoots through the air, catching Azazel on his shoulder. He howls savagely, arms going slack around me, and I take the opportunity to slip away, diving for the gun from under my desk. When I turn around, he’s gone.

“Professor, run!” Suzanne is at the door, firing bullets at Angel at the same time she tries to freeze time around the quick moving shape.

I waste no time, hurrying toward her as I dodge Angel’s projectile acid. The wall explodes and sizzles right next to Suzanne, who bangs into the table on her left and tears her knees on the table edge. The glass vase falls to the ground, shattered. Angel lets fly another acid spitball. I manage to roll away in time to see the acid burns a hole through the carpet on the floor, right where I was standing a second ago.

I turn to Angel, catching her eyes. Angel, stop, now.


Re: Fill 6b/?: Erik/Charles + other pairings, see triggers in 1st post anonymous August 11 2011, 20:34:56 UTC
I can tell when my compulsion takes effect. Her eyes glaze over, and she hangs in midair, frowning in confusion. I stand, keeping our gazes locked. Frustration rolls over me as I feel her fight, trying to shake off the command. This is the worst time to not have full faculty of my power, and at that moment I resent Rogue, the first person to make me feel the vulnerability of human kind.

And then, all at once, with no forewarning, Suzanne screams, startling me and subsequently breaking my concentration. Angel shakes her head and speeds down to where I crouch on the floor, her face twisting, furious.

What follows happens in seconds but feels like eternity played out in slow motion. I watch, horror bound, as Azazel winds his arms around Suzanne. Stupid girl, he snarls, face ugly as he bends her head backwards at an impossible angle, his blood dripping from his arm onto her pale, terrified face.

I raise my arm, throwing my power at him. Too late, I think helplessly, feeling Angel appearing behind me and pulling something taut around my head.

Don’t be naïve, Professor, she murmurs, and that is the last thing I hear, along with Suzanne’s piercing cry as Azazel’s razor-sharp tail reams right through her chest.

The world vanishes.


Thank you for the lovely comments :) Things should be picking up from here on out!


Re: Fill 6b/?: Erik/Charles + other pairings, see triggers in 1st post jimmiejive August 11 2011, 20:40:06 UTC
OMG this is amazing. Seriously.
Loving it.


Re: Fill 6b/?: Erik/Charles + other pairings, see triggers in 1st post anonymous August 12 2011, 18:32:39 UTC
More please?


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