prompt post: round six

Jul 14, 2011 00:07





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r6, comm:prompt

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Comments 7709

Charles/Erik - silent film AU anonymous July 14 2011, 04:12:29 UTC
I would love to see an AU centered around the film industry in the 20s. Are Erik and Charles actors? Rivals? Secretly carrying on an affair?


Re: Charles/Erik - silent film AU anonymous July 14 2011, 04:16:09 UTC
I'm totally on top of this, anon. Be looking for the first part in just a bit.


the graces of art (1/?) anonymous July 14 2011, 04:44:14 UTC
Charles waited up for Raven to trip home from the party. There was hardly a night of the week that she stayed in anymore. The town was growing and Raven was a highly social creature, interested in her fellow man and the amusements he could provide. Charles was happy to indulge her, but it wasn’t in him to accompany her every night. He would, however, wait up until she returned. Being on set most days was mentally exhausting enough for him. People were loud and chaotic, and eventually he had his fill of them each day and needed to be alone ( ... )


Re: the graces of art (1/?) anonymous July 14 2011, 05:22:58 UTC
OP is on tenterhooks for the next part! ♥



Charles/Erik - White Collar AU anonymous July 14 2011, 04:23:35 UTC
This isn't my prompt, but it was posted after the previous round was closed, so I'm putting it here so I can write the hell out of it.

Charles is the thief who can read people's mind, pull any heist and convince anyone to let him into any safe thanks to his mutation. Erik is the agent who finally catches him, using his own ability.

Bonus - Hank is the scientist who created a helmet/necklace/bracelet/whatever to make Erik immune to Charles' power.
Bonus 2 - Erik captures Charles with metal. Could be stairs, the safe's door... Anything! So long as he binds Charles with it... feels how fragile Charles truly is though he can cause such damage... soft flesh and blood, UNF!
Bonus 3 - This has a bit of a darker feel to it than White Collar... think more Casino Royal.


Re: Charles/Erik - White Collar AU soldierly July 14 2011, 04:25:46 UTC
I heart this prompt hardcore.


Fill: I know how this ends 01/? anonymous July 14 2011, 13:24:07 UTC
Please ignore the fact that I haven't seen a single ep of White Collar, and I'm really only going off what the original OP has stated. Bonus 2 has been utilised, just for a heads up.

____“I’m caught,” Charles said ( ... )


Fill: I know how this ends 01a/? anonymous July 14 2011, 13:25:38 UTC
Charles swept the tip of his tongue against his lower lip, eyes darting from the man and the door that he stood in front of. His briefcase was then ripped from his free hand, it sudden enough to catch Charles by surprise. He lunged after it without a second thought, the movement causing his skin to catch between the metal links of his watchband. Charles bit down on his tongue, cutting off a sound of pain that was threatening to escape him. There was a throbbing warmth encircling his wrist; Charles wondered if he was bleeding ( ... )


Erik/Charles. Metal tentacle sex. anonymous July 14 2011, 04:23:59 UTC
Exactly what it says on the box.

Maybe the head boards made of metal. Maybe Erik and Charles are having. Maybe Erik is using his powers to restrain Charles. Maybe it turns into metal tentacle sex.

inspired by a comment on one of the previous rounds.


Re: Erik/Charles. Metal tentacle sex. anonymous July 14 2011, 11:28:06 UTC
It'll be interesting to see what people come up with. Seconded.


Fill - Monster 1/5 anonymous August 9 2011, 06:13:40 UTC
The kids are in the kitchen, ostensibly having breakfast.

“King Kong.” Angel says.

“Gross.” Sean throws a cornflake at her. “Fifty-foot woman.”

“Now that's gross.”

“The Blob.” Alex says seriously.

Everyone pictures this for a moment and then cracks up.

“The creature from the black lagoon.” Raven murmurs.

For a moment, Hank wonders if she's serious, but then there's a twinkle in her eye, a flash of gold and everyone laughs again.

“What's all this then?” Charles yawns as he opens the refrigerator.

“Uh, we were discussing,” Alex starts giggling helplessly.

“We were discussing which horror monster we'd most like to....” Sean starts flushing.

“Get fucked by,” Raven says, smirking at Charles.

Charles winces. “Language, Raven, please.” Lately she's been doing more and more of this sort of behavior simply to annoy him.

Erik reaches for the orange juice. “And the point is?”

Alex shrugs “It's funny.”

“Really?” Charles asks skeptically. His eyes meet Erik's over the counter.

Children, Erik's thinking ( ... )


Fill - Monster 2/5 anonymous August 9 2011, 06:14:34 UTC
Try as he might, Charles can't get the idea out of his mind.

Monsters... What monster would you prefer to be fucked by? Erik considers himself a monster. Charles knows that much. He should have just answered, “You,” But Charles doesn't think of Erik as a monster, so he didn't say it, and they're back to wherever they were before.

He catches sight of the book later while he's tidying his desk in the library. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. For a moment, Charles just looks at it out of the corner of his eye, as though it's a animal that might scamper off if he faces it straight on. Then he blushes so hard, his entire body feels like it's on fire ( ... )


Alex/Hank - Hank builds Alex a movie theater anonymous July 14 2011, 04:24:42 UTC
Hank finds out by accident that Alex is a bit of a movie buff, but he never really got to go to the movie theater as a foster kid. And then he was locked up, so. Hank wants to take Alex out to all the movies, forever, but he can't because then people would see his beastly form.

Instead he works day and night to build a high-tech movie theater in the mansion for Alex. Bonus if he has to hide the plans/construction and gets the others to help, but Alex thinks Hank is avoiding him or is involved with one of the others due to the secrecy and running around behind his back!


Re: Alex/Hank - Hank builds Alex a movie theater aussiegirl411 July 14 2011, 06:24:34 UTC
Aww so sweet. Seconded!


Re: Alex/Hank - Hank builds Alex a movie theater anonymous July 14 2011, 11:29:11 UTC
Aw, this sounds so sweet. I'd love to see it adapted into a fill. Please, nonnies!


Re: Alex/Hank - Hank builds Alex a movie theater its_rayning July 14 2011, 16:31:52 UTC
I would fill this but I have no knowledge about construction and I've never written an Alex/Hank fic before. I dunno, this sounds so very sweet, so if I have time, I will.

But someone else filling this would be fantastic~ I would love to see it.


Charles + Raven, Kurt, family ties anonymous July 14 2011, 04:24:45 UTC
Charles is not pleased that Raven named her son after their abusive stepfather. Bonus points for Charles/Erik and Mystique/Azazel.


Re: Charles + Raven, Kurt, family ties anonymous July 14 2011, 11:30:28 UTC
I... had never considered that before, actually.

This would be interesting to read, especially since it involves a side of Charles not usually seen.

I'd love to see Raven's explanation, as well, especially if it has nothing to do with their abusive stepfather after all.


FILL Charles + Raven, Kurt, family ties cathat77 July 18 2011, 04:32:01 UTC
Just a short drabble about this situation. This is probably not what you wanted, but this is how I thought of it.

Read drabble


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