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Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 09:41:29 UTC
Actually, I've been calm the whole time. I'm not upset, or angry, or freaking out. I just wanted to know what was going on. I'm not sure why you don't think I'm calm -- I haven't done anything since my last comment.

I'm not going to restart the issue about chat. I was on gtalk constantly. I would like to know why, if you weren't receiving any communication whatsoever from me, as you said you weren't, why you didn't PM or email me to ask what was going on.

I have no problem with you starting Rounds. Usually you get to it/closing Rounds before I do because of our time differences. I realize that. I was perfectly happy doing what you needed me to do, which was answering discussion post questions, doing a couple other small things, etc.

I'm not trying to create drama. I thought, since our last steady conversation was rather toxic, that you were angry at me, and thus refusing to contact me. All I wanted was to keep the community running smoothly. I'm also not "blackmailing" you. And... I am answering? I've answered every comment you've made to me.

I did not go into this thinking, Oh goody, I can make Fahre look bad and then I can have the community all to myself! I went into this to make sure we were cool with one another and that I would be able to reach you if I had further questions -- like how to do the indexing correctly, or anything else that would be upcoming that I would have to handle. I'm sorry you think I'm attacking you and trying to rip into you on purpose. I agree that I could have tried Twitter, but Gmail has been pretty failsafe, so I thought you were avoiding me.

I would like to continue on co-modding, to be honest. Like I said, I have no issue with us simply moving on and forgetting this ever happened, for whatever reason it did.


Re: Hey. oakenshields13 September 12 2011, 14:17:20 UTC
I have NOT been trying to avoid you. It wasn't toxic, we had one of our ok-fair-enough moments. I was busy for a few days at the tail end of last month, that's why I dropped you a couple of e-mails instead of sitting around on gchat. However, when I did log in to gchat for any length of time you would log in on one account, log out a few seconds later, log in on a different account then log out and VANISH.

Even when that happened, I did not think you were avoiding me. I figured my connection was borked.

But when you did not respond to my e-mails for a fortnight I thought you were sorting RL stuff out, and I was ok with that as you have asked me to cover previously. I kept an eye on the discussion post (which you were still covering), set the last Round up, and put the new off-topic post in place. That is ALL I have done. No more or less than I usually do.

You have turned a technical problem into a personal conflict. That is why you are going. I am not going to co-mod with someone who would rather start something like this than send a tweet.


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 14:27:47 UTC
Putting in my two cents where it might not be wanted but, we like stardustcities and having her as co-mod. Now that you guys have realized that it is a technical problem can we all just calm down for a while and let the com go back to normally? All this drama is doing is making everyone upset and were going to lose a lot of members if it keeps up and in a place like this that kills the community. So can we all just back off for a little while and wait till everything isn’t as emotionally charged?


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 14:39:26 UTC
Who is "we"? I, personally, don't care who co-mods. As long as there's smooth sailing on the comm. And there isn't now. I'm fine with whatever needs to happen (to bring back at least the APPEARANCE of peace) happening.


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 14:54:05 UTC
The appearance of peace? Who the fuck are you kidding. Just close your eyes and walk on by if you're looking for that. jfc.


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 17:25:42 UTC
o_O Wtf is your problem? What are you even TALKING about? Kidding who? About what? A little...specificity...if you please ;)


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 14:32:18 UTC
Congrats! You've sunk the battleship!

Not that you care, but hey, at least you're still sailing, right?


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 14:36:19 UTC
This will not bring you peace.


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 14:42:54 UTC
Don't you see? Peace was never an option.


Re: Hey. hikki_passion September 13 2011, 20:18:35 UTC
hahahhaa this was my favourite line <3


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 14:40:04 UTC
I'm thinking stardustcities should just make her own kink meme. I'd definitely frequent it more than this one, especially with a mod who would rather act like a petulant child than a respectable adult.


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 14:44:45 UTC
isn't there that marvel one?


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 15:17:08 UTC
Maybe she could join xmen_firstkink as a mod? They've had a mod there disappear, and SDC's expertise could probably come in handly to fill in.


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 15:09:06 UTC
I specifically said this isn't a personal conflict. I sent an email to you about half an hour ago asking that we please take this private because we're upsetting comm members. I don't know if gmail is actually glitching or if you're simply choosing to respond to me here, but either way, I'm sorry you think you can't work with me. I would gladly continue modding, and I think I have been reasonable, polite, and willing to work out the problem. This has been made into a much bigger issue than it needed to be.


Re: Hey. oakenshields13 September 12 2011, 15:51:48 UTC
I have explained, I have had NO E-MAILS FROM YOU IN FOUR WEEKS! How is sending me an e-mail supposed to help? I am not 'choosing' to respond to you here. You started it here. You have not, to my knowledge, tried to contact me through any other service. I did not choose this. You did. I am playing to your rules.

I do agree that it has been made into a much bigger issue than it needed to be. I do not agree that you have been quite as amicable as you are now. That's why it is done.


Re: Hey. soldierly September 12 2011, 17:04:15 UTC
I'm sorry, but I can't possibly believe that you've not had an email from me. I realize the issue is over and I do not expect or want a response from you. In my personal opinion, you wanted a co-mod who would simply agree to everything you said, and when I started to act up and say, "Hey, what you did was wrong, have some respect for your community," communication suddenly broke down. Also vaguely interested in how "no emails in a fortnight" went to "no emails in four weeks," but I guess that's also of no importance now.

Thank you and good night.


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