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FILL: Of A Lost King's Daughter Part 3/? copycatgirl September 3 2011, 22:30:31 UTC
"Is there sugar-" James begins, then wants to bite his tongue out. The last thing James thinks he needs now is sugar.

"Of course," Michael replies softly, with a fond click of his tongue, holding out one mug, "Two sugars, as you like it."

"Thank you." James mumbles, taking it and then looking down into it. His eyes are watering and he doesn't know why, and decides to blame it on the steam from the tea. Michael sighs gently, then puts down his mug on the chest of drawers to put his arms around James.

"I love you," he tells him, kissing his forehead, "We're going to find out what's happening to you. And it'll all be fine, I promise. I promise."


"Leave me alone. Please leave me alone."

James is in the bathroom, sitting on the floor, resting his head on his knees. Michael is outside of the locked door, asking then begging then demanding to be let in.

"James, we need to talk about this-"

"There's nothing to talk about. Nothing's happened, there's nothing wrong with me. I'm just a bit ill. It'll pass. It's going to pass." His voice is barely more than a whisper, and it's himself he's repeating this to rather than Michael.

"James!" Michael's accent is thick with concern, but he can't think of anything else to say. James stands up and crosses to the door, pressing his face against the wood, his hand hovering over the bolt.

"I'm not pregnant," He murmurs through the crack, "I'm not."

"James, the doctor-"

"Fuck the doctor!" James chokes, slamming his hand against the door, "I'm not! It's not- it's not possible!"

"Your drink. What your drink was spiked with- James, you heard what he said. The drug pollutes the sex hormones, and the levels of estrogen- look I don't understand it either, James. Just fucking talk to me."

James swiftly flicks the latch off and pulls the door open, and grabs at Michael.

"Don't say this. You're the last person- the last person who's staying sane about all this." His face is centimetres from Michael's, his shallow breath warm on his face, "I can't hear you saying these things. Not tonight. Tonight I want to believe nothing's wrong."

Michael swallows, then takes James' face in his hands, rubbing small circles on his cheeks with with his thumbs, and kisses him.



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