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Charles/Erik, making paraplegic sex works anonymous August 29 2011, 18:18:58 UTC
I want to read this, like, epic story of how Charles/Erik rework the whole sex thing after Charles is in a wheelchair.

I've seen some really awesome stories with post-accident sex that worked out well, but I want to see AWKWARD and one/both of them doing/saying something stupid (like maybe Erik is all "am I supposed to carry you to the bed or something" and Charles is all "OMG NO DON'T EMASCULATE ME DAMMIT NEVERMIND THIS IS A BAD IDEA FORGET IT.")

And there is various guilt on Erik's part because he has a working penis and Charles' penis is less-worky (maybe they have to try like drugs or something to help him out with that?), and guilt on Charles' part for being resentful of that, and lots and lots of flailing but they try really hard and eventually it works out.

Would also love to see how they progress to being able to have telepathic sex where Charles gets to feel what Erik feels and vice versa, and that being a complicated, not-easy process either but eventually they get it to work and it's all the more sweet/hot because they actually had to put in the effort and work on their negative/hesitant ~feelings~.


Re: Charles/Erik, making paraplegic sex works anonymous August 30 2011, 19:45:59 UTC
Seconding this so hard.


Re: Charles/Erik, making paraplegic sex works anonymous September 1 2011, 08:46:36 UTC
Not farfetched at all -- paraplegic sexual response is quite common, just through mental stimulus channels rather than direct physical. This opens up a realm of possibilities!


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