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FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 4/5 anonymous June 5 2011, 10:44:56 UTC
“Do you always have this with you?” Charles asked. “Don't speak, just listen.”

Erik's mind said yes. It flashed through Shaw (not shaw, not schmitt, herr doctor always always that) sending guards for him in the middle of the night when inspiration struck him, of war criminals who had heard whispers of his existence sending hit men, of being in the loo when they came for him and his mother, with nothing to do but allow it.

“Now I have it,” Charles said. “I have it and I'm responsible for you, right? Is that the way it works?”

Erik was naked now, in every way that mattered. His flesh was bare and goosepimpled even with the heat of the fire; his mind was open and easy and known.

“Kneel,” he said and Erik did. Charles raised the gun and pointed it at Erik's forehead. His brain flushed his body with instinctive adrenaline, but he did not move.

“You trust me so much--” Charles said, in awe, without thought. He could feel Erik's suspicion flare at the words and settled him with the same noise he used to use on his horses, brushing his cheek with the barrel of the gun. “It's alright. You can trust me.”

Charles had never felt anything as arousing as the way Erik's mind acquiesced to those words, eased back and down into silence. He stroked him with the gun, feeling the gentle give of skin and Erik's cock getting harder.

“You could stop this bullet,” Charles said. “In a moment, in a thought - but you don't have to. Because I will never shoot you.”

He nudged it against Erik's lips and Erik opened his mouth, took the gun inside himself. Charles couldn't get the breath the speak, his clothes constricting his chest and noise roaring in his ears. Suck it he thought, and Erik did, Erik did - he could see Erik's cheeks hollow, feel the pressure of the metal as if it were in his own mouth, and he undid his belt roughly with the other hand, unbuttoned his flies so that he wouldn't burst through them.

It was power, this moment, more than the gun, more than the imminent sex - it was the same sort of feeling Charles had the very first time he had gotten someone to do something in line with his will and not their own. Intoxicating and dangerous.

Erik's hands landed heavily on Charles's thighs, digging almost painfully into his flesh. He pulled away and rested his head against Charles's stomach, chest heaving and breath damp.

“I need-- can I--”

Charles said yes without words, without a conscious effort at thought, and Erik's mouth fell to his groin, mouthing hot through his pants, desperation in every small movement. Charles pressed the gun against Erik's temple and Erik moaned, muffled against cloth and skin and Charles.

One of them, Charles wasn't even sure who, got his cock out and Erik swallowed it, hot and messy and perfect so perfect. Charles could taste himself, sweat and skin and bitterness, could feel himself flushing out Erik's brain with light and sensation. He couldn't possibly last, this moment was too much and too perfect. The gun fell from his hand because he couldn't hold it anymore, his fingers gripping roughly into Erik's hair, his hips rising into Erik's mouth.

He pressed his boot against Erik's cock and he could see/hear/feel him shudder, press up against it, moving almost unconsciously. His face was red and his eyes were wet, the physical reaction from choking and the pressure of emotion forcing tears.


FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 anonymous June 5 2011, 10:45:33 UTC
Charles groaned and came, thrusting up sharply, feeling Erik begin to gag as he spiraled out of control. Before he was truly even done, before the sunspot harshness of it had even faded, he pulled Erik up by his hair, hauled him into his lap and bit his neck as he curled his hand around Erik's cock.

Erik came with a sob, soaking Charles's pants and shuddering as if he were going to break into his component molecules, whirl away into nothing but beautiful genes and emptiness.

It was only panting and heat, their minds still. Erik's face was pressed into Charles's neck and Charles clutched at him like a child with a doll, trying to press this moment into eternity. But click click click and Erik's mind started again like an engine struggling into action and beginning to move away, a journey Charles didn't understand for all that he spent all his time watching it. Charles could see the gun floating up to land neatly, gently, on top of the folded pile of clothes.

- - -

The next morning, Erik read the paper over coffee and Charles ate his breakfast and stared at the mark at his neck. Erik's mouth twisted in something that might have been a smile.

Charles felt the heaviness of a gun at Erik's hip and knew better.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 anonymous June 5 2011, 11:10:13 UTC
holy fucking shit this
is amazingperfectstunningbrilliant

everything about it is just on point and scorching and painful and just



Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:19:40 UTC
thank you thank you thank you! i'm really glad you liked it.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 anonymous June 5 2011, 11:10:43 UTC
UNFFFF. I love how dominant Charles was here. Only Charles can be trusted by Erik enough to submit.

That boot against Erik's groin? HOT!


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:20:25 UTC
The boot thing is not-so-secritly my biggest kink ever. I'm glad you liked it too! Thank you!


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 mistress_britt June 5 2011, 12:13:23 UTC

I loved this.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:20:33 UTC


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 anonymous June 5 2011, 12:14:45 UTC

THAT WAS... HOLY SHIT. Everything I wanted and needed and so much more. It was amazing, thank you so much for this <3


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:21:07 UTC
YAY! I'm glad you liked it -- I was a little worried it was a little slower than the porn you might have been hoping for.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 cigarettelover June 7 2011, 13:30:56 UTC
Screw anon lol.

Nah, that was completely perfect and just what I needed :) It was beautiful, thank you again!


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 diskarte June 5 2011, 13:57:45 UTC


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:21:31 UTC
THANKS! that might have also been my favorite line, too


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 bleached_drama June 5 2011, 16:30:46 UTC
This story is everything that gun scene should have been, and more. I love how you balanced Charles' caring personality with a very believable dominant streak. Absolutely gorgeous.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 hauntologie June 7 2011, 10:22:20 UTC
I'm flattered, thanks -- and I think Charles, once he got over himself just a little, would make an amazing top.


Re: FILL: jouissance, charles/erik, bdsm & gunplay, 5/5 anonymous June 5 2011, 19:52:11 UTC
yay submit erik that was perfect!


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