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FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 2/3 of 2 or 3) alphera June 8 2011, 15:50:14 UTC
It takes about two decades before Erik finds Schmidt again, and when he does, he still gets no chance to hurt the doctor. Before he can make metal collapse around Schmidt, he sees a man, just about his age, turn to him, and he stops in his tracks. Go on, he hears in his head, I’ll try stalling them. Hurry though, before Emma cottons on.

And he does. He remembers that voice when they were both much younger, leading him to safety. Remembers the brush of that mind against his when he set out for a suicide task soon after. He remembers the note he has left safely with his belongings, and knows that that voice would never leave him astray. The boat collapses, and he feels a flicker of doubt. Schmidt and his cohorts may deserve death, but what of the boy - no, the man - who has done nothing but help. He should have expected it, but the voice still startles him when he hears it. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.

But that short moment is enough. He feels a flare of alarm not his own, and, with his power, notices a large chunk of metal separate from the rest and propel itself forward. Rage consumes him, and he struggles to call it towards him. He is so close to his goal. He will finish what he has set out to do, even if it kills him.

He gets dragged into the water, and tears try to force themselves out of his eyes when he starts getting pulled deeper and deeper. Suddenly, the voice returns and pleads with him to let go LetgoletgoletGOyou’llDIEyouTOLDMEYOU’DTAKECARE.. And then there is a body behind him, and a voice in his ear echoing the one in his head. “Let go, Erik. Let go. Live today to fight tomorrow. Be patient.”

Erik lets go and passes out.

When he awakes there are three people hovering around him. A military doctor, who starts checking his vitals, and two women. “Where’s the man who saved me?” He asks, eyes narrowing. The two women look at each other, and the blonde is the first to turn back at him.

“Charles isn’t here.”

Erik feels an odd twinge of happiness at finally knowing the man’s name, but forces himself to focus when he realizes the implications of that answer.

“What happened to him? Is he hurt?
“No, he’s in the submarine that escaped.”
“How? He was right behind me when we were being pulled up!”
“It’s complicated?”
“Complicated? You mean impossi-“

The dark haired woman sighs, and interrupts. “Maybe you should just show him, Raven.”

The blonde pauses, and looks at Erik intently. “Charles trusts you…” she says, trailing off, “so I’ll trust you with this.” As she finishes her statement, she warps before Erik’s very eyes. In front of him is the image of the man on the deck, the man Erik thought pulled him up from the water. Raven stays in that form for a few seconds before turning back. Erik remembers the note he keeps in his suitcase with his gold bar. You are not alone.

“So. Charles said you can help us.”


FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 8 2011, 15:55:39 UTC
Erik walks the halls with purpose, shoving everyone who tries to get in his way, Raven’s words replaying in his mind. 'His name is Charles Xavier. He’s my brother, and maybe the strongest telepath in this world.' A soldier foolishly attempts to get back up after Erik pushes him down, and Erik summons a gun to shoot him. 'Shaw took him from us when we were young. When Charles managed to contact me before, he told me that Shaw never trusts him to go anywhere alone, and the only time he’s left alone is for punishment.'

He is past the corridors, and is two rooms away from his current goal. He feels a sense of satisfaction when the men in the first one - mere administrators, not a fighting bone in their body - scurry away. Erik knows they won’t interfere, but throws them to the walls anyway. 'And when he’s being punished, they lock him in a little room, with special walls that keep him from being able to touch anyone’s mind.'

The door to the second room is thick and heavy - but, indisputably, metal. Erik holds out his arm and crushes it. He has never had to exert so little effort to use his power before, and Erik knows it will only become better.

Erik feels the man before he sees him. There is relief and affection curling around him, and something else Erik can’t name.

“Come for me, have you?” Charles asks, lips quirking up. It’s the first time Erik’s seen the man so clearly, the first time he’d seen the man smile, and the first time he’d heard the man’s real voice outside his own head. Erik can’t stop his lips from giving an answering smile.

“Just come to return the favour.” He answers, walking towards Charles.

Erik holds out a hand, and Charles grasps it firmly.

“Let’s give him hell,” Charles says, and Erik is certain that from that moment on, nothing can stop them.

How did MacTaggert possibly find Raven when there’s no “genetics” lead via Charles? Well, Raven found her, actually. Charles still meets Raven (just earlier) and essentially gets his parents to adopt her (so, think that they met when Charles’ dad was still alive, so parents are more accepting), but Shaw manages to kidnap Charles sometime before he finds Magneto. Raven spends most of her life and quite a bit of her considerable trust fund looking for her brother and hears rumours about a group with mystical powers. She follows her leads to the Hellfire club and manages to see Charles, who tells her to hide because Shaw was far too dangerous, and if she wants to succeed in helping him she has to follow MacTaggert.

As usual, sorry for any mistakes. @_@ Totally not read-through, and my only beta is out of commission for a month. Not to mention she hasn’t seen the movie.


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 8 2011, 18:12:22 UTC
Lovely twist on the canon. I love how the details are different, but the caring between Charles and Erik isn't.


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 8 2011, 18:16:06 UTC
Thank you. ♥ I had such a hard time completing this, what with my memory refusing to cooperate, so I'm really glad that you liked it. :D


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 jenna_marianne June 8 2011, 18:15:18 UTC
Great fic, really like the AU and they help each other.


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 8 2011, 18:17:54 UTC
Thanks! I actually want to write something from Charles' POV as a bonus - like the first time he sees Erik. I hope I manage to work it out. (and find time)


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 jenna_marianne June 8 2011, 18:19:44 UTC
That sounds awesome! I'd love to read it if you get around to writing it. :D


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 22 2011, 13:41:08 UTC
Sorry for the long wait! Here's a link to Charles' POV: http://alphera.livejournal.com/2734.html


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 9 2011, 05:50:02 UTC
i really enjoyed this! HEARTS IN MY EYES.


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 9 2011, 07:58:02 UTC
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. :D


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 poemwithnorhyme June 9 2011, 22:53:09 UTC
What a magnificent twist!! I loved this! :D


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 10 2011, 05:01:14 UTC
Glad for it! :D Thank you!


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 12 2011, 16:04:17 UTC
Oh very very cool. Fascinating adaptation of the story in many ways.
The last line completely thrilled me.


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 alphera June 13 2011, 03:29:45 UTC
Thank you ♥


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 skyearth85 June 15 2011, 00:03:02 UTC
I liked how you worked the prompt ♥


Re: FILL: Erick/Charles - Charles belonging to Shaw PART 3/3 talitha78 June 15 2011, 19:13:34 UTC
Excellent!! *clappyhands*


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