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Charles/Erik. Black Tie anonymous June 6 2011, 15:14:08 UTC
Charles and Erik have to attend a black tie event (to spy on an evil dude, maybe) together. Before they leave, the others mention to Charles that Erik looks dapper as fuck, and Charles is all "mhmm didn't really notice," and the others are like, "uh-huh denial is not just a river in egypt" and he's all like "wut."

But Erik's tux is tailored to his body, and throughout the night, Charles is unable to resist stealing glances. Maybe they end up having sex? Maybe they end up making out in the backseat of the car like teenagers on prom night? Have fun with it!


Response (1/4) anonymous June 6 2011, 21:35:11 UTC
It was a ridiculous plan, and they probably knew it - or maybe they thought recruiting mutants in strip clubs and science museums and seedy bars was completely necessary and not at all self-indulgent. Raven didn't know for sure, and for once, she didn't care. She was used to Charles looking nice in a tux, but Erik Lensherr was a new sight ( ... )


Response (2/4) anonymous June 6 2011, 21:36:42 UTC
Raven's arch comments turned out to work like a curse. The car ride to New York was especially bad - Erik said across from him in the back of the limousine, their legs nearly touching, and he kept fussing with his clothes. Charles had nothing to do but stare at him more or less covertly. Why had Charles called in a tailor to take his measurements again? In hindsight it seemed silly and unneccessary. Had he been showing off his money again, as Erik had, half in jest, half perfectly serious, accused him? It wasn't like they really needed the disguise, given that Charles, with his powers, could have rendered them nearly invisible in the crowd ( ... )


Response (3/4) anonymous June 6 2011, 21:37:53 UTC
Why had he never noticed before? Oh, he had noticed Erik all right, but his mind, his rough brilliance, his determination, his jagged pain and grief and the gravity that draw Charles in with an inescapable pull - attractive, yes, but in a completely platonic way. There was nothing platonic about the way Charles's eyes strayed along the perfect line of Erik's trousers ( ... )


Response (4/5) anonymous June 6 2011, 21:39:33 UTC
"You look surprised," Erik said when he finally let go of Charles.

"I am." Charles felt absurd sitting on his lap, but he didn't move. Yet. Erik's hand lay warm and broad on his thigh as if it belonged there and it was really really hard to think of anything else but that.

"You haven't read my mind to see if I'm interested?"

"It may surprise you, but I don't constantly spy on my friends."

"You have my permission to do it now." It sounded less like a permission, and more like an order.

Erik's thoughts, as always, were contrary, a mix of amusement and frustration, a struggle for self-control, lust, loneliness, annoyance, mostly with himself for liking such a - That's what you think of me? A spoiled arrogant brat? My friend, I'm hurt. Deeply hurt.

You know it's true. And I happen to like you despite your defects.

I can... tell. Dear god, could he tell. Is that what you want to do to me? We can do that. Or that. He caught a glimpse of himself through Erik's mind, eyes half-closed and biting his lip, and almost felt embarrassed ( ... )


Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... anonymous June 6 2011, 21:41:23 UTC
Charles was only half-aware of his surroundings when they reached Westchester, and glad that Erik was far more alert, managing to dismiss the driver and mutter an excuse about Charles being exceedingly drunk ( ... )


Re: Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... anonymous June 6 2011, 21:53:20 UTC
OP here, and I'm freaking out like you would not believe. When I posted the prompt, I didn't think to expect something profound, and heartbreaking, and beautiful, and exceedingly romantic. I'm glad I didn't because it was an insanely wonderful shock to see an exploration of Charles and Erik's complex relationship.

Charles pulled him down until they nearly kissed. "I may be a fool in love, but there is one thing I am not and that is naive. I have seen the minds of men, Erik, and I do not trust blindly. Not even you. Can you say the same?"

"I've seen the minds of men, too," he replied, his voice rough, nearly breaking. "In concrete and steel and mud and smoke... I've seen them. But - I trust you."

THIS. This is who they are, and this is how their relationship has been from the beginning, and will be until the end. Beautiful. Thank you, author. You're amazing.


Re: Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... anonymous June 6 2011, 21:57:53 UTC
And now I feel terribly embarrassed at how juvenile my prompt sounded. Haha It wasn't worthy of your talents but I'm thrilled!


Re: Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... bagheera_san June 6 2011, 22:02:11 UTC
I started out trying to write humour, but this is my first post-movie fic, and somehow it became all HERE ARE MY SRS THOUGHTS. But your prompt was good, it was the first one on this meme that kickstarted my writing instincts :)


Re: Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... anonymous June 6 2011, 22:08:41 UTC
Your srs thoughts are awesome, though. Absolutely no complaints here. In fact, whatever thoughts, any kinds of thoughts, you subsequently post in the meme will have my unconditional affection. :D


Re: Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... diskarte June 7 2011, 00:29:22 UTC


Re: Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... strzyga June 6 2011, 21:58:02 UTC
this is lovely ♥♥ (and heart wrenching, wow)


Re: Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... etrangere June 6 2011, 22:40:41 UTC
Very cute.


Re: Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... anonymous June 6 2011, 23:05:30 UTC
Love it, love it, love it.


Re: Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... anonymous June 6 2011, 23:42:58 UTC
Holy FUCK that was the winningest thing ever. Hearts forever.


Re: Response (5/5)... let's ignore that little counting fail... sasha_b June 7 2011, 02:21:58 UTC
Wow, that is lovely. Thanks for sharing it. *sigh* Ah, Erik.


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