Oh my sweet fuzzy lumpkins, this is PERFECT! The language and code names and everything are so chillingly authentic! You say so much in so little and the little details are so poignant and unstated:
It was hoped, initially, that the introduction of DEU-K-00009 may result in the eventual impregnation of USA-P-00020 (an event which has since been brought about by artificial insemination from USSR P-type stock)
Oh Raven. (I hope to God that they let her and the rest of the family raise Kurt!)
where use of the C6-290 collar on GB-M-00001 failed, concurrent usage on USA-P-00020 and DEU-K-00009 succeeded.
Raven AND Erik??? Poor Charles!
we finalized a comprehensive study on DEU-K-00009's powers in July, after utilizing the C6-290 extensively on GBR-M-00001.
My God, I don't even want to imagine. And Erik was already so angry and frightened, and to have Charles be the cause of his cooperation!
That one of the undergraduate researchers erroneously believed the presence of DEU-K-00009 in the main test complex would encourage rapid data production from the machine/GBR-M-00001 interface is well-documented in official records.
Well, gee, I wonder why! Who'd have thought that watching his "mate" get mind-raped and forcibly betray his own kind would make him, I don't know, a bit angry?/sarcasm
GBR-M-00001 does not need its legs any more than a leopard needs spots or a moose antlers: clearly important adaptations all, but hardly necessary to the essence of the animal.
Hank...you...you...argh! I want to believe you're trying to protect them and this is all a sham, but Gooooooood!
The telepathic mutation may create circumstances in which permanent mental connections are made with other mutants--connections that may lead to fatalities in M-types at the death of their mates. I would like the opportunity to research this group further, with the permission of the board.
Oh no. Please no. Not after all that they've already been through!
It is further the belief of this writer that DEU-K-00009 is displaying behaviors indicative of guilt related to the incident. Were that it was also directed to humankind, but the actions of the subject around its mate leads our research team to believe DEU-K-00009 may now be more docile to our experiments, even more protective of the safety of its mate.
Oh Erik. Don't feel guilty! Don't let them hurt you because you accidentally hurt Charles!! He wouldn't want that!
Henry Philip McCoy, PhD. Research Lead
Ow. I'm not gonna lie. This was like a punch to the guts. Hank!!! How could you???
In short, this was brilliant and, though this may be presumptuous after everything you've already given, can we please, please, please get a tiny sequel from the perspective of Charles and Erik??
Thank you, OP, for the prompt and the great reply. I'm glad you enjoyed!
I hoped to leave Hank's motivations a bit vague, but... I gotta admit, I probably only had this fill in my brain for two seconds before Hank became the obvious choice as a researcher.
And re: a sequel... For some reason, for now my brain appears to only supply me with ideas concerning characters writing essays on this stuff, and it's not even Erik or Charles writing? Thanks brain.
Re: sequel. Darn. Well, you more than delivered for the prompt, so I really shouldn't be so greedy!
Yeah, I guess Hank is the obvious choice in retrospect. I kind of saw his motivations as a cross between for science!!! and the collaborator who tries to rationalize his betrayal by convincing himself that he's saving people through cooperation. It's a horrible situation to begin with and I love how you left Hank's motives up to interpretation rather than clear-cut good or evil!
It was hoped, initially, that the introduction of DEU-K-00009 may result in the eventual impregnation of USA-P-00020 (an event which has since been brought about by artificial insemination from USSR P-type stock)
Oh Raven. (I hope to God that they let her and the rest of the family raise Kurt!)
where use of the C6-290 collar on GB-M-00001 failed, concurrent usage on USA-P-00020 and DEU-K-00009 succeeded.
Raven AND Erik??? Poor Charles!
we finalized a comprehensive study on DEU-K-00009's powers in July, after utilizing the C6-290 extensively on GBR-M-00001.
My God, I don't even want to imagine. And Erik was already so angry and frightened, and to have Charles be the cause of his cooperation!
That one of the undergraduate researchers erroneously believed the presence of DEU-K-00009 in the main test complex would encourage rapid data production from the machine/GBR-M-00001 interface is well-documented in official records.
Well, gee, I wonder why! Who'd have thought that watching his "mate" get mind-raped and forcibly betray his own kind would make him, I don't know, a bit angry?/sarcasm
GBR-M-00001 does not need its legs any more than a leopard needs spots or a moose antlers: clearly important adaptations all, but hardly necessary to the essence of the animal.
Hank...you...you...argh! I want to believe you're trying to protect them and this is all a sham, but Gooooooood!
The telepathic mutation may create circumstances in which permanent mental connections are made with other mutants--connections that may lead to fatalities in M-types at the death of their mates. I would like the opportunity to research this group further, with the permission of the board.
Oh no. Please no. Not after all that they've already been through!
It is further the belief of this writer that DEU-K-00009 is displaying behaviors indicative of guilt related to the incident. Were that it was also directed to humankind, but the actions of the subject around its mate leads our research team to believe DEU-K-00009 may now be more docile to our experiments, even more protective of the safety of its mate.
Oh Erik. Don't feel guilty! Don't let them hurt you because you accidentally hurt Charles!! He wouldn't want that!
Henry Philip McCoy, PhD.
Research Lead
Ow. I'm not gonna lie. This was like a punch to the guts. Hank!!! How could you???
In short, this was brilliant and, though this may be presumptuous after everything you've already given, can we please, please, please get a tiny sequel from the perspective of Charles and Erik??
I hoped to leave Hank's motivations a bit vague, but... I gotta admit, I probably only had this fill in my brain for two seconds before Hank became the obvious choice as a researcher.
And re: a sequel... For some reason, for now my brain appears to only supply me with ideas concerning characters writing essays on this stuff, and it's not even Erik or Charles writing? Thanks brain.
Yeah, I guess Hank is the obvious choice in retrospect. I kind of saw his motivations as a cross between for science!!! and the collaborator who tries to rationalize his betrayal by convincing himself that he's saving people through cooperation. It's a horrible situation to begin with and I love how you left Hank's motives up to interpretation rather than clear-cut good or evil!
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