Jan 04, 2005 20:20
What is LIVEjournal?
Aristotle never posed so valid a question.
Leave it to Steven Breese…the undisputed coiner of the term “emotional accessibility” to raise such a pertinent issue…for those of you who missed the post and/or to save you the trouble of going back to look…in his infinite wisdom, Steven Breese said:
“So what's this title 'live journal' mean, anyway? Does it mean that the journal is actually living - like it’s going to jump off the page a bite me? Or is possibly that it makes you feel more alive after you've read it...? Or that the words are alive! Ahhhh, the words are alive! No? Okay, maybe - and I think this is true -- that that the “live journal” is proof that you are alive: or I am alive; or that I live.”
I think all LJ users (aka language MASTERS) know what this calls for. Oh yes…a trip to Webster…
Flip flip flip.
Live, according to Webster: adj.
1. having life; not dead.
Having life? As in ALIVE. As in able to BITE!! Ack! Let’s save ourselves the trouble of running screaming from our laptops, and chalk this up as implausible.
2. similar to one.
3. having positive qualities, as of warmth, vigor, vitality, brightness, brilliance, etc.
All pearls of wisdom that have been recorded in THIS livejournal certainly have these qualities.
4. of immediate or present interest!
Definitely. I know you guys couldn’t make it through your day without reading this. I mean, let’s just be honest with ourselves here.
*****DANCE BREAK…that awesome song about being from New York just came on. Violent? Yes…but toss aside your morals for a moment and shake it!!! He does mention the vagina monologues, afterall. *******
5. still burning or glowing.
Hmmm. Figuratively speaking, absolutely, but I think this means literally. WORD OF ADVICE: if your computer is on fire…refer to def. #1 and RUUUUUN!!!
6. not burned. Unstruck.
Technically true.
7-16 all involve fire, tv and sports. None of this applies here….I don’t think.
Okay Steven….I’m sad to say that there is no mention here of “live” possibly meaning that it is proof that you are alive. However, it is possible that this could still be a nontechnical definition, if you will. Sounds like a nice one to me.
Buuuut….to this I offer the evidence of a phenomenon known as Jordan Wood….Does/did he/she exist? Noone will ever know…therefore, not proof.
I think that it might make you feel more alive after you’ve read it… to this I offer the evidence of what we all experienced upon reading Angela’s report of water so cold she couldn’t think (see her New Year’s Day post). Well I felt more alive for NOT having been so cold (thank goodness I stayed out all night and was physically incapable of attending these festivities….I was supposed to BE there.) So I think this is true.
In conclusion: I think it’s a combination of #s 3 and 4 and the above paragraph.
LIVEJOURNAL is a journal in which we impart gems of immediate or present interest, having positive qualities as of warmth, vigor, vitality, brightness, brilliance, etc and that make the reader and/or journaler feel more alive for having done/read said gems.
Stick to the definition folks.
Does this mean I have to stop posting random IM convo.s?
Strike that. Forget it.
Livejournal is a place for endless rambling and time wasting…and if it happens to fall under the above definition (which just so happens to be pure and staggering genius) so much the better for ya!!!