I am in my third year of school for elementary education with a minor in special education and need some help with an interview. I have to interview any teacher and/or administration and have a few questions. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!
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I chose education because I like learning, and I like helping others learn about things I'm interested in. I also chose it because there's not a lot of non-corporate type jobs out there that pay enough to live on with a degree in French.
(2) Would you recommend the education profession to others? Why or why not? I recommend it for someone you likes a contantly varying, changing, extremely demanding job, and who truly likes helping kids learn, even when they're obnoxious and lazy. If anything about what I just said sounds like something you don't want, then I don't recommend it. You have to love what you do, and sometimes, it is difficult to love being a teacher.
(3) Are there any other teachers in your family? If so, who?
There are no other elementary/secondary teachers in my entire extended family, but my husband is a college professor. I envy the freedom he has to just teach and not worry about the social/discipline issues I have to deal with on a daily basis.
(4) What is your highest level of education?
I have two bachelor's degrees and a masters of education.
(5) How long have you been an educator? 3 years
(6) What is your greatest challenge as an educator? classroom management/discipline
(7) How do you balance the demands of your profession with the political realities of the education system?
I try not to worry about the politics, because I don't have time for them if I'm going to teach my students the way they need to learn. If my state mandates I post standards, word walls, essential questions, etc. in my classroom, I find a way to do it that isn't intrusive to what my students need.
(8) Do you live in the community that you work in? If yes, do you believe that it is important for educators to live in the community in which they work? Why or why not?
I commute 40 minutes to and from the school I work at. I'd love to live in the community I teach in, but you have to take the job you can get wherever it's available. And when you find a good place at a good school, you learn to deal with the commute.
(9) Who was your greatest educational influence? My 12th grade AP English teacher and my high school French teacher. I teach French and English now partly because they helped me fall in love with both of those subjects.
(10) What is the greatest benefit of being an educator?
You are never, ever bored.
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