but don't let the doctor in, I wanna blow off steam

Jul 09, 2010 04:22

Lalalala. Cannot sleep. Updating journal instead!

~♥~ May actually be starting to working on That Goddamn Cityverse Fic soon! I have a Reili on my back, and she can be very. Um. Persuasive when she wants me to do things. (MOSTLY THIS CONSISTS OF "DO IT OR I WITHHOLD SEX." my life is hard, you guys. ;;)

~♥~ Thinking of changing my journal title! It has been Poe lyrics for forever, so.


~♥~ Watched Blink for the first time with Reili and Gin last night. OH MY SWEET JESUS FUCK. You guys, my garden is full of statues. Some of them are angels. Needless to say, I LOCKED ALL THE DOORS AND CLOSED THE WINDOWS PRETTY FUCKING TIGHT. Smoffat, you wonderful man, I may never sleep again.

...in the grand scheme of things though, I think his other episodes might have scared me more. Also, they were funnier. ("ALWAYS BRING A BANANA TO A PARTY, ROSE.") I DID APPRECIATE THE NAKED MANFLESH THOUGH SMOFFAT. MORE OF THAT PLEASE.

~♥~ found a fuckyeahnatenovarro tumblr. SUCK ON THAT, RACHAEL, HE IS LOVED. I may make a Nasty Nate picspam tomorrow to celebrate.

~♥~ yuffie_9: I finally got around to listening to all of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge! WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT SCREAMY BOYS IN EYELINER THAT WANT TO SAVE YOUR LIFE. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.

~♥~ FAIL BATTLE is still going on! Everyone go write! Doesn't matter what pairing, what rating, or what fandom, so long as someone is failing at something! Ginny wrote Pete Wentz the Time Lord, okay, anything is fair game. IT WAS FUCKING GREAT.

EDIT: note to self, index the Triumvirate's pimp posts for later.

floppy hair and guyliner and tight jeans, the angels have the phonebox, writerosity, eggo go to bed, write me porn guys

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