We'll smuggle Anders in and we'll be a hit!

Jun 17, 2010 18:36

If any of you are at all interested in a cracktacular concept that went way too far, y'all should check out the Planet Fierce fic+graphics+lyrics+possible actual music going down at datingmyband. All my stuff is posted with my shota_madness journal and some of it is slightly amusing!

Also, Ginny and Reili are clearly the true power behind the throne here, because everything they are writing is AWESOME and Gin doesn't believe me.

Also also:


At first, this spam was supposed to be just William Beckett.

Maybe a few other members of TAI… too.

With maybe a Gabe or a Travie for a little extra something.

Then Gabe decided he was just as awesome and deserved to take over the whole thing.

Because he's Gabe Saporta and he can do that.

His bandmates, of course, were not about to be left out of the fun.

Especially not this particular breathtaking vision of beauty:

(And her little dog, too.)

But then, of course, word spread, as word is wont to do. And this gang of failbots decided they wanted to send you their love too!

(Or maybe just be smug and put their feet up on tables. But that's Frankie for you.)

Frank and Gerard especially want to make your birthday special.

Because they love you and want you to be happy.

So happy fuckin' legality, Virginia Marie. Here's to another eighteen years of complete madness. Love you, braintwin. ♥

bill beckett: drama queen, fangs up!, randomspam!, it's warmer in the basement (nate knows), floppy hair and guyliner and tight jeans, marching band of the damned, planet motherfucking fierce, one true braintwin

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