
Jun 02, 2010 23:00

I felt bad for not ever writing things for Belltrap so I wrote him lesbians. Warning: chat drabbles, very short, may be complete nonsense.

For suzu_no_hito with the prompt "massage": platonic-ish Gaila/Uhura; Star Trek Reboot; PG. [354 words]
It's been a long night. And not even in the fun way.

Nyota has three exams the next morning - three! It's a wonder she hasn't just keeled over from exhaustion with this kind of workload - and Gaila is being a good roommate and helping her study. Except helping Nyota study is probably a lot different than helping anyone else in the entire universe study, because Nyota is ridiculously in-depth in every single one of her notes, and also has a tendency to panic slightly when she forgets obscure Andorian verb conjugations.

"Okay, that is it," Gaila says, when it's almost four in the morning and neither of them really wants to make another coffee run. "You are fine. More than fine. If there is a single question you can't answer on any of these, I'll be shocked. Now go to sleep."

"I can't," Nyota says, exasperated and exhausted. "I've still got-"

"No way." Gaila tugs the padd out of Nyota's hand and sets it down on the desk. "Rest. Now. The stupid thing's in, like, three hours, you need to actually be awake for it."

Nyota stretches, then winces at the audible cracking sound. "Ow."

"Your neck?"

"My back, too," Nyota says, and something cracks again. "I think my spine might be permanently frozen."

Gaila laughs. "Okay, come on. If I can't get you to sleep, I can at least help with that." She takes Nyota's hand, leads her over to the bed. "Just lie down for a minute."

Nyota raises a questioning eyebrow, but she sprawls out on her stomach over the unmade sheets.

Gaila settles herself on Nyota's lower back. "Hold still," she orders, and her fingers immediately find a knot of tension at the top of Nyota's spine.

"Oh my god," Nyota moans happily, and Gaila laughs again. "No, seriously, if you stop now I might have to kill you."

It's barely ten minutes before she goes completely quiet, loose and relaxed under Gaila's hands. Gaila keeps her voice soft. "Nyota?"

The only answer is Nyota's gentle, even breathing as she drifts off to sleep. Gaila pulls the sheets over her and presses a smiling kiss to Nyota's temple. "Good night, roomie."

For suzu_no_hito with the prompt "pas de deux": Kurumu/Mizore; Rosario+Vampire (possibly some hideous AU and possibly not); PG. [114 words]
"It's kind of silly to practice by yourself, isn't it?"

Mizore blinks at the doorway. Kurumu gives her a wave and strolls in without being invited.

"I mean, you'll be doing this with a partner, right?" she continues, walking over to restart the music from the beginning. She molds her body against Mizore's back, walks her fingers down Mizore's shoulder and rests her hand lightly on Mizore's wrist. "So you should practice with a partner too."

Mizore just hums thoughtfully, enjoying the way Kurumu's heartbeat is quickening despite her calm. "I guess."

Kurumu's breath is warm on the back of Mizore's neck. "I'm a good dancer, you know."

"I know," Mizore says, and feels Kurumu smile against her skin.

For teh_slush because she is a whore for vamp!Bden's mesmer and wanted Billvy to show him how it's done: William Beckett/Brendon Urie; bandom [A Little Less Sixteen Candles, a Little More "Touch Me" AU]; PG-13. [181 words]
"Eyes on me, Brendon," William says, and his voice is smooth, silky, simultaneously melting and crystallizing the tension in the air. Brendon didn't know voices could do that until he met William.

He hadn't know a lot of things until he met William. This is becoming more and more clear by the day. Brendon hadn't known what it was like to be caught in William's penetrating gaze, to feel William's perfectly curved fangs sink into his throat. He hadn't known what it felt like to be mere heartbeats away from death, only to suddenly be completely reversed, rejuvenated, reborn.

"Brendon," William says. "Focus."

Brendon does. Spots of shame burn faint in his cheeks, but he does, brings his full attention back to William and William's voice and William's eyes. He swears he can feel his mental barriers dropping, a faint warmth spreading through his bones, something reaching inside him-

-And then it's not that he hears William speak, out loud or in his head, there's just suddenly an overwhelming, piercing sensation, commanding every muscle in his body: come to me.

Brendon takes a step forward.

William smiles.

boypiles! at the disco, bill beckett: drama queen, lesbians!, floppy hair and guyliner and tight jeans, fic, bandom: 16 candles au, this is an rps warning, better than sparklepires, why am i suddenly a trekker

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