still fml

May 09, 2010 22:20

Computer is still being a laggy little whore but it's looking like its replacement may arrive sooner than expected! I would ask for a poll regarding the new arrival's name, but I have already christened it Hikaru, for my favorite member of the Enterprise bridge crew and to match Ginny's, which is going to be Pavel. Hello, yes, we're really gay.

Meme from SAMMIFACE:

♪ If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
♫ Tag 8 people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

001. What songs are you currently addicted to?
Alejandro ~ Lady GaGa
Fever ~ Adam Lambert
1582 ~ Kamenashi Kazuya
Poor Unfortunate Souls ~ Sherie Rene Scott
Oh, and about half of the Punk Goes Classic Rock cover album Anders threw at me. /shame

002. What are you currently reading?
lol like I have time to read. @_@ I have Camus' The Stranger sitting on my dresser for English class though.

003. What was the last movie you saw?
I've mostly been watching TV lately, lololol. But the last movie was... probably Sherlock Holmes.

004. What makes you angriest/most frustrated right now?
BABYFACE, my ungrateful, syphilis-ridden little slut of a laptop. god computer I hate you, you bitch. Also, school.

005. Favorite historical figure?
William Shakespeare. Just... just William Shakespeare. Please don't hold it against me that I would jump into bed with that man in a New York minute.

006. What are your current addictions?
LEVERAGE, JE, and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Shut up. Also, Reili, who totally counts as an addiction.

007. What is your favorite t-shirt?
Either my Blind Mag shirt or the one that says "BEWARE: i have the gay and it is catching".

008. Something about you that most people don't know? Extra points if it is interesting.
Non-tmi: My first "real" Shakespeare role was the Courtesan in A Comedy of Errors. The next year, I played Ado Annie in Oklahoma!. I was about eleven.
tmi: the highest number of orgasms I have managed in one twelve-hour period is six. BET YOU TOTALLY DID NOT WANT TO KNOW THAT.

009. What was the last thing you bought?
Sunflower seeds. MY ADDICTION, IT MUST BE FED.

010. Do you have more friends online or off?
Online, I think. Even the friends I have offline I see more online. What does this say about me? Probably nothing good.

011. Something that made you laugh today?
My aunt Sherry at Mother's Day brunch. We texted people across the table just to be obnoxious. I love her.

012. Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?

013. What was the last thing you ate?
Sunflower seeds. Because when we work together, it's much better. /brick'd

014. What are your current favorite pairings?
Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid [Criminal Minds], Kris Allen/Adam Lambert [AI RPS], Zachary Quinto/Chris Pine [STXI RPS], Parker/Hardison/Eliot [Leverage], and Yara Tomoyuki/Yamamoto Ryota [JE].

015. Favorite website?
Besides eljay? I spend way too much time on TVTropes, but who doesn't, really. Also, my crush on Jared Hindman must be indulged regularly.

016. What are you plans for tomorrow?
Suffering through yet another schoolday?

017. What kind of music is contained in your hard drive?
Mostly jyannis and musicals.

018. Worst remake ever?
The American remake of Shutter. /HISS

019. Pet peeve?
The word "gay" as a pejorative. I just. It feels like someone just put ice down my back or something whenever I hear it, and not even in a good way. I think I'm being oversensitive.

020. Guilty pleasure?
Bad, bad horror movies. JE musicals. Also, Criminal Minds, because I'm sure it's a real fandom to most people, but I'm only in it to satisfy my creepy kinks and my massive crush on Dr. Spencer Reid.

Tagging: suzu_no_hito, teh_slush, kiyala, sexual_ennui, thesillymoose, lyndon_head, nadiyah_sama, and threepwillow!


fuck you computer, memesheep

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