Feb 16, 2010 17:42

For perpl3xity: Kitayama Hiromitsu/Fujigaya Taisuke; JE: Kis-My-Ft2 (NOT AN AU THIS TIME OMG); R. [736 words]
"Ballgowns. Actual ballgowns. Whose idea was this photoshoot?!" Fujigaya fumes.

"Probably the fangirls." Nikaido scrutinizes his image in the mirror one last time and pulls back, apparently satisfied.

"I hate them," Fujigaya says with feeling.

"I dunno, Taipi," Nikaido snickers, "I think you look sort of cute."

"Stuff it," Fujigaya snaps. "Go... play with Senga or something."

Nikaido grins lasciviously and saunters off, leaving Fujigaya alone in the dressing room.

"AND DON'T GET ANYTHING ON YOUR DRESS," Fujigaya yells after him, then sinks down onto the couch in a downright royal sulk (but still being careful not to crush his own skirts).

The dressing room door creaks open. "Tai-chan?"

"Go away, Mitsu," Fujigaya says, not bothering to look up.

He hears the couch's old springs creak as Kitayama sits down beside him. "Aww, Taipi, cheer up. You look cute!"

"That's what Nika said," Fujigaya growls over Kitayama's barely muffled snickers, "and if you don't stop laughing at me, Kitayama Hiromitsu, I swear-"

"I mean it, ne," Kitayama says, his giggles subsiding, "really cute," and Fujigaya feels a hand inching toward his back where the gown is laced up.

"Don't you dare," he hisses, smacking Kitayama's hand away with some reluctance. "It took them ages to get me into this thing."

"Mmmm~" Kitayama ignores him, pulling Fujigaya down into a deep, lazy kiss that leaves them both breathless. "We'll just have to improvise, then."

"What do you mean, 'improvise'?" Fujigaya demands, then gasps when Kitayama slides to the floor and settles himself between Fujigaya's legs. "Mitsu!"

"You'll have to stay very quiet, Taipi," Kitayama says, his voice full of syrupy-sweet evil. "Someone might hear you and come to see what's going on."

"Mitsu-" But Kitayama doesn't let him get any farther. He ducks his head under Fujigaya's skirts, making sure he's entirely hidden by the layers of silk and ruffles before nuzzling against the front of Fujigaya's underwear.

Fujigaya's breath catches. "If you're going to do it, get it over with already," he says, feeling the color rise in his face as Kitayama presses a kiss to his hip.

"So mean, Taipi." Kitayama's voice is muffled, but Fujigaya can still hear the victorious grin. "That's not a very nice way to talk to someone who's offering to blow you."

Fujigaya opens his mouth to fire back a retort, but Kitayama chooses that moment to run his tongue down the length of Fujigaya's quickly hardening cock, and the only sound he can make is a shaky, needy moan. "Hiromitsu."

"Ask me," Kitayama says. Beg me for it, he doesn't say, but Fujigaya knows what he means.

"Suck me, Mitsu. Please?"

Kitayama kisses Fujigaya's hip again, and slowly, much too slowly, takes the head of Fujigaya's cock into his mouth. Fujigaya's hands tighten around their fistfuls of skirt, wishing his fingers were twisted in Kitayama's hair instead, and he shivers.

It's rare that they switch like this - Kitayama's lazy and Fujigaya's a cockwhore - but maybe that just makes it so much better when they do. It's that much more fantastic when Kitayama sucks him in deeper, practically purring around his cock now, teasing the base with nimble fingers. Fujigaya bites down hard on his bottom lip to hold back a whimper.

"Mitsu- Mitsu, hurry, come on," he pleads, hips bucking slightly forward as Kitayama tongues the vein on the underside of his dick. "Someone's going to see..."

Kitayama may be entirely hidden, but Fujigaya can feel the flush of arousal in his cheeks, can hear the soft rustle of too many layers of skirts as Kitayama works his magic. It wouldn't be difficult for some staff member - or worse, some A.B.C.-Z member - to figure out what's happening if they happened to pass by.

But the rational part of his brain is protesting less and less now as Kitayama brings him closer and closer to the edge, making his hips jerk and his back arch until-

"Gonna come," Fujigaya gasps, and throws his head back and spills over Kitayama's tongue with a desperate cry just as Yokoo pushes open the dressing room door.

"You better not have ruined that dress," Yokoo says, looking slightly exasperated but not at all surprised as Kitayama wriggles back out from under Fujigaya's petticoats, licking his lips and looking very pleased with himself.

"Don't worry, Wataru-san~," Kitayama says cheerfully. "I made sure of that. Want to taste?"

Fujigaya really wants to hate the fangirls for enabling this, but as he watches Yokoo slip his tongue into Kitayama's mouth, little jitters of aftershock running through him, he finds it a little difficult.

And reposts from the Valentine's Day challenge at je100!

Title: Mortal Kombat
Unit for Points: A.B.C.-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Yamapi/Jin, Shige
Author's Notes: Because ninja fights solve everything.

Pin has a very... special way of celebrating Valentine's.

Jin finds the chocolates in the bottom of his bag. Yamapi's are hidden under the couch in NEWS' dressing room (only discovered there by Massu's amazing chocolate detector senses).

The two combatants meet halfway between their respective bases.


"AKANISHI JIN," Yamapi bellows back.

"I don't know them," Shige mutters.

The annual ninja fight is a long and arduous battle, with casualties on both sides (read: Ueda's new scarf and Shige's sunglasses). Finally, one lone warrior stands on the field of combat.

"Yatta!" Yamapi cheers. "Victory!"

"Oi, I was the girl last year!" Jin protests hotly.

Title: Sweets to the Sweet
Unit for Points: A.B.C.-Z
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Hasshi/Tottsu, Tsukada, Kawai
Author's Notes: Why do I like this pairing so much.

When Hashimoto's not happy, no one in A.B.C. can find it in themselves to be happy either until their Z has been properly cheered up. And when Kawai and Tsukada find him sulking on the couch in their dressing room, they know something needs to be done.

Tsukada sits down beside him and slings an arm around his shoulders. "Aww, what's wrong, Hasshi?"

"Weeeeeell..." Hashimoto says, drawing out the syllables. "It's Valentine's Day, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"And Valentine's Day means getting chocolates from someone who's special."


Hashimoto pouts, looking heartbroken. "So why didn't Tottsu give me chocolates?"

Kawai's cackling can be heard out in the hall.

too many tags, my friends are enablers, squeeze out!, fly with news, why do i like kat-tun, boys with magical hips, porn porn porn, pin for the win, fic, this is an rps warning, flippy perverts anonymous, hasshi makes pedos of us all

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