Feb 04, 2010 18:53

First, responses from the drabblememe!

For lyndon_head: girl!Matt Engarde/guy!Adrian Andrews; Phoenix Wright; R. [409 words]
It's always at Adrian's - his apartment if they're home in LA, his hotel room if they're on location or in the middle of a publicity event. Mattie doesn't like people invading her space. Oh, sure, she can deal with the reporters and the paparazzi and the magazines asking for house tours. All they want is to reassure the public, to inform the pop culture zeitgeist that little miss Mattie Engarde really is "refreshing like a spring breeze".

(Mattie's gotten very good at her cheery, empty-headed smile. She practices.)

No, it's never at Mattie's, and it's never sober. Mattie expects her manager to be available at all times, especially on those nights when she's been drinking alone.

If Adrian ever realizes that those nights happen to coincide with, say, the release of an issue of Vanity Fair with Juanita Corrida on the cover, or the airing of a Saturday Night Live episode in which Juanita Corrida is the guest host, he doesn't say a word. Instead, he merely answers the door when Mattie shows up, buzzed and horny and quietly furious, and stands aside to let her in. He's learned it's best not to argue when she's in a mood like this, and he follows Mattie to the bedroom without a word.

Mattie doesn't like to be predictable. Sometimes, she'll pin him to the bed and ride his cock until it hurts, claw at his chest with the nails she refuses to cut short and laugh when she draws blood, overstimulate his every nerve until tears well in his eyes and he pleads with her to stop and can't keep himself from coming over and over until she decides she's finished with him. Other times she brings her own toys and fucks him into the mattress, hissing in his ear, "You slut, you're so desperate for it, fuck, not yet, not until you beg me to," and ordering him to speak when she finally wraps a hand around him, "because you're pretending it's not me, aren't you, Adrian? Tell me who it is, come on," and Adrian throws his head back and sobs Skyler's name and comes hard, because Mattie is right.

(Mattie never cries. Mattie never screams anyone's name. Once - and only once - Adrian thought he heard it, a little gasp when Mattie tightened around him and shivers shot through her body, a sharp intake of breath that had sounded to his ear like "oh, god, Corrida.")

(But Adrian could be wrong.)

For teh_slush: sulu!Koki/chekov!Fujigaya; stupid JE Star Trek AU; R. [293 words]
Taisuke practically purrs as Koki's fingers comb through his hair, pushing his head against Koki's hand like a cat. He smiles that bright Ensign-Fujigaya-sir-I-can-do-that smile, looking up at Koki from under his lashes, eyes half-closed in contentment. "I love days off."


"Are you awake?"


Pouting a little, Taisuke rolls back on top of Koki, wriggling slightly so his slowly hardening cock brushes against Koki's naked thigh. "Pay attention to me."

"I am paying attention to you." Koki gives him a lazy grin and runs his hand through Taisuke's hair again.

"Pay attention to me more," Taisuke says, licking his lips, his eyes gleaming with mischief and want.

"Again?" Koki props himself up on his elbows and gives Taisuke a slightly incredulous look. "Fuck, you're insatiable."

Taisuke grins wickedly, rolling his hips and placing a teasing kiss on the helmsman's jaw. "You love it."

Despite Taisuke's enthusiasm, they're both too tired to do much more than grind against each other - at least until Taisuke slides down the length of Koki's body and livens things up a little with his tongue. Koki swears. Taisuke giggles with his mouth full and twists Koki's hands back into his hair, and after that, it's not long until Koki's fingers tighten and he groans, "Fuck, Taisuke," and comes.

Taisuke swallows, smacking his lips in satisfaction.

"Oi, get back up here," Koki says affectionately, and pulls Taisuke up into a kiss, curling one hand around the navigator's neglected cock and making him gasp. It isn't long before Taisuke's body arches back in a beautiful curve and he cries out, spilling over Koki's fingers.

Taisuke collapses, boneless and sweaty and exhausted, damp hair clinging to his neck and face, against Koki's chest. "I really love days off," he says happily.

"Computer, lights," Koki says, and pulls a sheet over them both.

And now dumb things I should have posted ages ago.

Yamashita Tomo/Akanishi Jinnifer; same stupid JE girl's high AU as this; PG. [191 words]
"Tomo," the voice says. "Tomo~."

"Ah? Who's there?" Tomo makes her eyes go wide in mock surprise under the other girl's hands. A giggle is her only response. "Yuuko-chan?"

"No~," Yuuko's sweet voice says from somewhere off to the left. "Ne, guess again!"

"And you can't be Ryoko-chan," Tomo muses, "because then you'd be much smaller and lighter." The girl on top of her makes a little noise of protest. "And if you were Hiroko-chan, your fingernails would claw out my eyes. Kame-chan?"

"Tomo!" The voice sounds affronted. "I'm not a horsefaced anorexic skank, thank you."

Tomo can hear Junko's bright laughter and a "she's got you there" from Kikuko. ("I hate you all," Kame sulks.) "Then..." She hums theatrically for a moment. "Jin-chan!"

"Surprise~!" Jinnifer squeals, throwing her arms around her girlfriend's neck from behind and kissing her cheek noisily. "Did you miss me?"

"I was worried I'd never see you again, ne," Tomo says very seriously. Jinnifer kisses her again, and Tomo turns so that she catches Jinnifer's lips with her own.

"You saw each other two hours ago," Tatsuki says, shaking her head.

Tomo would answer, but Jinnifer's tongue in her mouth is a tiny bit distracting.

Hanamura Yosuke/Seta Souji; stupid loveless!Persona 4 AU; PG-13. [401 words]
He meets Yosuke coming up the street on the way to school. The brunet looks miserable, his shoulders hunched as if trying to hide behind his headphones. He looks back at the footsteps catching up to him, and offers a weak smile. "Morning, partner."

Souji falls into step beside him. "Hey."

An awkward silence hangs in the air between them for a moment, and then Souji asks, "So what happened with your parents?" just as Yosuke blurts out, "Did Dojima-san say anything?"

Souji laughs. "He just said 'I'll talk to you later.' But he didn't sound totally furious or anything, so..."

"Lucky," Yosuke sighs. "My dad's gonna kill me so dead when he finds out. I'll get the big lecture about not 'tarnishing the reputation of Junes' again and- dude, are you limping?"

"Yeah, just a little," Souji deadpans. "You got a little rough last night, Hana-chan."

Yosuke looks more than a little panicky. "Oh my god, Souji, I didn't mean to- I mean, are you-"

"Relax," Souji says, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine."

"Jerk." Yosuke laughs and punches him in the shoulder.

Confidence is easy to maintain until they reach the school gate - they're not even inside the building before the whispering starts. Yosuke makes a little embarrassed whining noise and slumps even farther down into his shirt collar, but he feels Souji's hand lightly brush against his, just once, and somehow it's comforting. Yosuke catches a glimpse of the name on Souji's collarbone - the name that Yosuke shares.


They'll be okay.

Chie's sitting on her desk, chatting with Yukiko, but she looks up to greet her teammates when they arrive. And then stops.

"Souji-kun," she says slowly, looking incredulous. "Yosuke-kun."

"Hey, Chie." Yosuke gives her a nervous grin.

"I don't believe it," Yukiko murmurs, looking from Souji to Yosuke and back again. "Did the two of you...?" A light blush spreads over her cheeks, and she covers her mouth with her hand - possibly in shock, possibly holding in a fit of giggles. Sometimes it's hard to tell with Yukiko.

The bell rings before either of them can give her an answer, and Souji whispers, "I'll tell you at lunch." Chie looks entirely unsatisfied, but she nods and takes her seat.

Yosuke groans. He's not looking forward to telling Kanji.

(A few days later, Souji sees Yukiko and Chie walking to school together. Chie is blushing slightly, and Yukiko is holding her hand tight.

Both of them seem to be missing their ears.)

omg het, je: girls' high au, squeeze out!, lesbians!, porn porn porn, bad ideas r us, pin for the win, fic, too many aus, too many tags, objection!, je: starfleet au, fly with news, boys with magical hips, why do i like kat-tun, j to o to k to e to r yeah, persona! *blam*, the world needs more genderswap, this is an rps warning

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