SORRY FOR NO UPDATES. Hideously busy with rehearsals. But will try to make a Les Mis+Lion King post later. FOR NOW, MORE OF THE AWFUL THING. Still no hookers. Saki, your genderswitch Penelo/Vaan porn isn't done yet, will get it finished by the end of the week or something.
The thing had taken on the appearance of a young man, skinny and underfed and half-naked, a network of strange markings winding around its torso. It crouched there in the center of the circle and glared up at him, slitted cat's eyes glinting angrily in the flickering glow of the candles, but it remained still, not daring to venture near the edge of the chalk outline.
"Yasuyoshi," his master said, and only then did Sano realize he'd been staring. "This is hardly your first summoning, and yet you're so mesmerized. Is something wrong?" Spitfire didn't even bother to conceal the note of fond amusement in his voice.
"I'm fine, sir," Sano replied quietly, and didn't take his eyes from the form in the circle.
The room was silent for a moment, punctuated only by the faint hiss as one of the candles burnt itself down and went out. And then the demon let out a short howl of irritation. "Stop looking at me like that!" it growled, baring its teeth at Sano.
Sano blinked. "I... didn't charge you to speak yet, did I?" he asked, legitimately confused.
"Well, one of us had to say something, and it didn't look like you were going to any time soon!" the demon snapped. "Not when you were busy staring at me like you wanted to tie me up and-"
"I CHARGE YOU TO STOP TALKING," Sano said loudly.
"SAY YOUR RIGHT WORDS AND MAYBE I WILL," it shrieked back. "How are you gonna bind me to your service-" or anything else, Sano's traitorous brain helpfully supplied- "if you can't even get your dumb spells right, master?" The thing's every syllable was laced with a contemptuous mockery of subservience. Sano looked helplessly at his own master.
Spitfire just smiled.