zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. (berg?)

Aug 30, 2010 02:40

Aaaaaagh. Been too busy to do anything but tweet for awhile. But if you follow me on twitter (@ Mondegreened) you will know that this is because I am LEAVING FOR COLLEGE ON THE 31ST HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT.

anyway. I made PODFICS, because Virginia Marie Class Avoiding Actually Writing Porn Reynolds is my number one favorite in the universe. so yeah.

Title: Send My Love to the Playground
Author: teh_slush
Reader: 1st_eggokage
Fandom: Bandom
Rating: G
Runtime: 9m 45s
Summary: Gabe loves Bill. Bill hates Gabe. Flirtation in the form of rubber snakes ensue.
Download: Here!

and the sequel:

Title: I'll Write It All Across The Wall (In Crayon)
Author: teh_slush
Reader: 1st_eggokage
Fandom: Bandom
Rating: PG
Runtime: 12m 31s
Summary: "When I grow up, I want to be Mr. Stumph."
Download: Here!

maybe some actual writing of my own will show up here at some point. or maybe I'll just vanish off the face of the planet and be killed by the illinois cold, because i am a wilting hothouse california flower.

/passes out

floppy hair and guyliner and tight jeans, hell no why don't you get a job, one true braintwin, podfic

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