Last Dreams.....

Apr 09, 2007 20:46

Their understanding
Begins to swell and the approaching tide
Will shortly fill the reasonable shores
That now lie foul and muddy.

Perhaps, if asked, the Opera House denizens would agree to a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream?
It has been too long since I have seen one...

(Private//Warded::Readable to old Allies, and Trusted Friends)

Changes in the waking world are spreading like ripples across the planes.
I am certain many of you have noted this, and so I may simply say to expect more visitors to the Nameless City

Many times I have felt that I had love within my reach...and each time it has run it has proved mere attraction, or worse; infatuation.
It is not impossible for the immortal to find love.

...But I was always bound by my duties. My responsibilities. I could not give what mortal women desired.
Even now, I can not set the responsibilities, though comparably less extensive, aside. I attempted to leave it all behind. I made the arrangements, and my successor has managed to find a balance in compassion that escaped me.

Perhaps it is a thing never attainable for such as I....

((OOC: My internet is down, and I am using a friend's at the moment. Insight says service is supposed to be back up around ten, but no telling when it actually will be.
I will be on as soon as it does to finish the logs that need doing tonight >.9 ))
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