2nd Dream/Moving in

Nov 05, 2008 16:00

{Private to Youko//Unhackable}

Please do not be alarmed by my absence, Nakajima-san, I am feeling stronger today, and will return shortly.
I have been informed of the currency system now in place amongst the city, and wish to ensure that my continued residence in your apartment will place no burden on you.

To this end, I have found employment with a small tea shop. Please inform me what expenses you wish to divide with me once your current roommates have vacated.

{/End Private}

The Temple grounds are quite lovely. I must admit to spending more time than I intended touring the varying gardens, as well as walking the architecture.
( I am afraid I am slower than I anticipated using this cane.)
Perhaps this evening I might have another opportunity to find a space for myself within, as I did not wish to put off finding the shop.

Likewise, the Seiza Teashop is an interesting locale. I have my eye on a jasmine blend that I believe Nakajima-san might enjoy.
However, such leisure items must wait until another time.

{Private Musings}

Now that the most pressing matters are resolved for the moment, on to my next problem:

As weak as I am, it will be difficult to create another pouch for carrying dreamsand.
And I certainly can not, in good conscience, use a shoddily-made substitute.
There are so few I would trust with the knowledge, that I am uncertain how to proceed?

Would it be best to find a substitute of otherworldly make, and origin, or contract a craftsman personally, and see to it's construction myself?
Perhaps investigation in to both options would be best before proceeding.

However, staying in may be preferable. It is becoming terribly loud...

guy fawkes day, all your dreamsand are belong to us, anorexic hobo get!, ic!, handicap door, working for the man ( or shinigami? )

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