Clouds over the Moon

May 05, 2007 09:01

Matthew, I shall be at the Opera House viewing rehearsals, and then...perhaps seeing the Sultana.

If it pleases you, the skylight is still opened for you, but do close it if the weather turns?


Well, my bid to rid myself of the burden of multiple dreamstones failed.
I grow more andmore uncomfortable with it here in too close a position to be lost or stolen by the wrong hands.

I do not know if there is still more resentment against me...Matthew still hasn't said anything to me, even with the Corinthian returned to health.

More denizens of the castle are arriving.
...I can only wonder if remaining here is advisable
The very thing I worked so hard to avoid has been taking place over and over again.
Dream is aware Matthew, and the Corinthian remain, but I can only wonder if Matthew remains on my account.

He is ...withdrawn here. I have no rights to approach him and ask after his thoughts, but I can not help but wonder.

....Perhaps my sister will pass through today...I could do with her advise.

((OOC: sorry for plottage worries. SOmeone fill me in on what went down? Also: Welcome new DCVU peeps =D ))
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