Jan 06, 2009 08:55
It has been an eventful month. I passed the standard written for my license. I am going to the workshop for the final test on Sunday. I have located a room to sublet from another therapist. When I get my license I can see clients on my own w/o the hassle of a supervisor and all the restrictions. I have 3 clients waiting for services. I am really excited!!!
I took my Sunday school class to play laser tag. We had a ton of fun. I have bruises and sore legs but at least I didn't faint like one of my wussy students!
Greg's dad is in a care facility. He is getting so bad mentally that Greg's mom can no longer care for him. It is sad to see such a vibrant man like that.
We moved my dad back to his house in the ghetto. He doesn't like it but he is easier to get to and has many more visitors. He is able to get out of the house and walk on most days. I got him some crossword puzzles to get his mind working again. It seems to be helping. He is actually going to church! I am doing the finances. It is a real pain but needed to be done.